Dr.Nupur Arora
Dr.Nupur Arora
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-TC
Потвърден имейл адрес: vips.edu
Investigating consumer intention to accept mobile payment systems through unified theory of acceptance model: An Indian perspective
K Gupta, N Arora
South Asian Journal of Business Studies 9 (1), 88-114, 2020
The role of perceived benefits in formation of online shopping attitude among women shoppers in India
N Arora, A Aggarwal
South Asian Journal of Business Studies 7 (1), 91-110, 2018
Green perceived value and intention to purchase sustainable apparel among Gen Z: The moderated mediation of attitudes
N Arora, P Manchanda
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 13 (2), 168-185, 2022
The role of perceived risk in influencing online shopping attitude among women in India
N Arora, M Rahul
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 4 (1), 98-113, 2018
Impact of Beauty Vlogger's Credibility and Popularity on eWOM Sharing Intention: The Mediating Role of Parasocial Interaction
VS Parul manchanda
Journal of Promotion Management, 1-34, 2021
Cultivating sustainability consciousness through mindfulness: An application of theory of mindful-consumption
P Manchanda, N Arora, O Nazir, JU Islam
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 75, 103527, 2023
Investigating consumer intention to adopt mobile payment systems: an Indian perspective
K Gupta, N Arora
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 17 (2-3 …, 2020
The impact of trust on online shopping attitude among women shoppers in India
N Arora, M Rahul
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 15 (3 …, 2017
Green practices at the workplace: a step towards sustainable development
S Gupta, A Aggarwal, N Arora
Pacific Business Review International 8 (8), 2016
Gamification and advergaming: an overview of the innovative brain tool in the field of advertising
A Aggarwal, N Arora
Research Anthology on Business Strategies, Health Factors, and Ethical …, 2021
“I can't look at you while talking!”–fear of missing out and smartphone addiction as predictors of consumer's phubbing behavior
J Paul, P Manchanda, N Arora, A Aggarwal
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 18 (4), 666-687, 2024
Investigating senior travel behaviour through motivation opportunities ability approach: conspicuous consumption and technology self-efficacy as moderators
N Saxena, A Aggarwal, N Arora, P Manchanda
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 28 (7), 682-700, 2023
Investigating the relationship between Internal Environmental Locus of control and Behaviour towards sustainable apparel: The mediating role of intention to purchase
N Arora, P Manchanda
Transnational Marketing Journal 9 (3), 539-552, 2021
Tapping generative AI capabilities: a study to examine continued intention to use ChatGPT in the travel planning
N Arora, P Manchanda, A Aggarwal, V Maggo
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1-20, 2024
Investigating consumer acceptance of NFC mobile payment apps in India: a UTAUT2 approach
K Gupta, N Arora
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 31 (3), 378-406, 2023
Examining role of trust in shaping online shopping attitude among women: an empirical assessment
N Arora
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 6 (5), 748-766, 2020
Investigating consumer intention to use food delivery mobile applications: an Indian perspective
N Arora, P Manchanda
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 30 (3), 407-433, 2023
Purchase habits on the Internet by gender: A literature review
N Arora, A Aggarwal, S Gupta
Pacific Business Review International 8 (10), 2016
Fashion Vlogging for Sustainable Cosmetics: Modelling the Relationship Between Hedonic Motivation and Impulse Buying Intention with Parasocial Interaction as a Mediator
P Manchanda, N Arora, A Aggarwal
Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Sustainability Measures on …, 2024
“I can't look at you while talking!”–fear of missing out and smartphone addiction as predictors of consumer's phubbing behavior
P Manchanda, N Arora, A Aggarwal
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2023
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