Oluwadara Alegbeleye
Oluwadara Alegbeleye
International Water Management Institute
Потвърден имейл адрес: cgiar.org
Sources and contamination routes of microbial pathogens to fresh produce during field cultivation: A review
OO Alegbeleye, I Singleton, AS Sant’Ana
Food microbiology 73, 177-208, 2018
Understanding spoilage microbial community and spoilage mechanisms in foods of animal origin
OA Odeyemi, OO Alegbeleye, M Strateva, D Stratev
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 19 (2), 311-331, 2020
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a critical review of environmental occurrence and bioremediation
OO Alegbeleye, BO Opeolu, VA Jackson
Environmental management 60, 758-783, 2017
Microbial spoilage of vegetables, fruits and cereals
O Alegbeleye, OA Odeyemi, M Strateva, D Stratev
Applied Food Research 2 (1), 100122, 2022
Manure-borne pathogens as an important source of water contamination: An update on the dynamics of pathogen survival/transport as well as practical risk mitigation strategies
OO Alegbeleye, AS Sant’Ana
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 227, 113524, 2020
How Functional Is Moringa oleifera? A Review of Its Nutritive, Medicinal, and Socioeconomic Potential
OO Alegbeleye
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 39 (1), 149-170, 2018
Bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds:(acenaphthene and fluorene) in water using indigenous bacterial species isolated from the Diep and Plankenburg …
OO Alegbeleye, BO Opeolu, V Jackson
Brazilian journal of microbiology 48 (2), 314-325, 2017
Hazards of a ‘healthy’trend? An appraisal of the risks of raw milk consumption and the potential of novel treatment technologies to serve as alternatives to pasteurization
OO Alegbeleye, JT Guimarães, AG Cruz, AS Sant’Ana
Trends in Food Science & Technology 82, 148-166, 2018
Microbial action on hydrocarbons
V Kumar, M Kumar, R Prasad
Springer, 2018
Survival and growth behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat vegetable salads
O Alegbeleye, AS Sant’Ana
Food Control 138, 109023, 2022
Efficient removal of antibiotics from water resources is a public health priority: a critical assessment of the efficacy of some remediation strategies for antibiotics in water
O Alegbeleye, OB Daramola, AT Adetunji, OT Ore, YJ Ayantunji, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-73, 2022
Risks associated with the consumption of irrigation water contaminated produce: on the role of quantitative microbial risk assessment
OO Alegbeleye, AS Sant’Ana
Current Opinion in Food Science 41, 88-98, 2021
Rhizobiont in bioremediation of hazardous waste
V Kumar, R Prasad, M Kumar
Springer Singapore, 2021
Co-metabolism of thiocyanate and free cyanide by Exiguobacterium acetylicum and Bacillus marisflavi under alkaline conditions
L Mekuto, OO Alegbeleye, SKO Ntwampe, MM Ngongang, JB Mudumbi, ...
3 Biotech 6, 1-11, 2016
Pathogen subtyping tools for risk assessment and management of produce-borne outbreaks
OO Alegbeleye, AS Sant’Ana
Current Opinion in Food Science 32, 83-89, 2020
Microbiological quality of irrigation water for cultivation of fruits and vegetables: An overview of available guidelines, water testing strategies and some factors that …
O Alegbeleye, AS Sant’Ana
Environmental Research 220, 114771, 2023
Investigation into the bacterial pollution levels at various sites along the Diep and Plankenburg river systems, 3 Western Cape, South Africa
OO Alegbeleye, BO Opeolu, VA Jackson
Water Science and Technology 73 (11), 2590-2599, 2016
Survival behavior of six enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains in soil and biochar-amended soils
O Alegbeleye, AS Sant’Ana
Environmental Research 223, 115443, 2023
Microbiological quality of ready to eat coleslaw marketed in Ibadan, Oyo-State, Nigeria
O Alegbeleye, I Alegbeleye, MO Oroyinka, OB Daramola, AT Ajibola, ...
International Journal of Food Properties 26 (1), 666-682, 2023
Survival of Salmonella spp. under varying temperature and soil conditions
O Alegbeleye, AS Sant'Ana
Science of The Total Environment 884, 163744, 2023
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