Greg A. Barron-Gafford
Greg A. Barron-Gafford
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Temperature sensitivity of drought-induced tree mortality portends increased regional die-off under global-change-type drought
HD Adams, M Guardiola-Claramonte, GA Barron-Gafford, JC Villegas, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 106 (17), 7063-7066, 2009
A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality
HD Adams, MJB Zeppel, WRL Anderegg, H Hartmann, SM Landhäusser, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (9), 1285-1291, 2017
Agrivoltaics provide mutual benefits across the food–energy–water nexus in drylands
GA Barron-Gafford, MA Pavao-Zuckerman, RL Minor, LF Sutter, ...
Nature Sustainability 2 (9), 848-855, 2019
Quantifying ecological memory in plant and ecosystem processes
K Ogle, JJ Barber, GA Barron‐Gafford, LP Bentley, JM Young, TE Huxman, ...
Ecology letters 18 (3), 221-235, 2015
Remote sensing of dryland ecosystem structure and function: Progress, challenges, and opportunities
WK Smith, MP Dannenberg, D Yan, S Herrmann, ML Barnes, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 233, 111401, 2019
Nonstructural leaf carbohydrate dynamics of Pinus edulis during drought‐induced tree mortality reveal role for carbon metabolism in mortality mechanism
HD Adams, MJ Germino, DD Breshears, GA Barron‐Gafford, ...
New Phytologist 197 (4), 1142-1151, 2013
The Photovoltaic Heat Island Effect: Larger solar power plants increase local temperatures
GA Barron-Gafford, RL Minor, NA Allen, AD Cronin, AE Brooks, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35070, 2016
Partitioning evapotranspiration across gradients of woody plant cover: Assessment of a stable isotope technique
L Wang, KK Caylor, JC Villegas, GA Barron‐Gafford, DD Breshears, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (9), 2010
Carbon dioxide exchange in a semidesert grassland through drought‐induced vegetation change
RL Scott, EP Hamerlynck, GD Jenerette, MS Moran, GA Barron‐Gafford
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G3), 2010
The carbon balance pivot point of southwestern US semiarid ecosystems: Insights from the 21st century drought
RL Scott, JA Biederman, EP Hamerlynck, GA Barron‐Gafford
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120 (12), 2612-2624, 2015
The relative controls of temperature, soil moisture, and plant functional group on soil CO2 efflux at diel, seasonal, and annual scales
GA Barron‐Gafford, RL Scott, GD Jenerette, TE Huxman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 116 (G1), 2011
Linking growth strategies to long‐term population dynamics in a guild of desert annuals
AL Angert, TE Huxman, GA Barron‐Gafford, KL Gerst, DL Venable
Journal of Ecology 95 (2), 321-331, 2007
Comparing ecosystem and soil respiration: Review and key challenges of tower-based and soil measurements
J Barba, A Cueva, M Bahn, GA Barron-Gafford, B Bond-Lamberty, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 249, 434-443, 2018
Biomass Partitioning and Growth Efficiency of Intensively Managed Pinus taeda and Pinus elliottii Stands of Different Planting Densities
E Colter Burkes, RE Will, GA Barron-Gafford, RO Teskey, B Shiver
Forest Science 49 (2), 224-234, 2003
Differential daytime and night‐time stomatal behavior in plants from North American deserts
K Ogle, RW Lucas, LP Bentley, JM Cable, GA Barron‐Gafford, A Griffith, ...
New Phytologist 194 (2), 464-476, 2012
The dependence of respiration on photosynthetic substrate supply and temperature: integrating leaf, soil and ecosystem measurements
IP Hartley, AF Armstrong, R Murthy, G BARRON‐GAFFORD, P Ineson, ...
Global Change Biology 12 (10), 1954-1968, 2006
Critical zone services: Expanding context, constraints, and currency beyond ecosystem services
JP Field, DD Breshears, DJ Law, JC Villegas, L López-Hoffman, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 14 (1), vzj2014. 10.0142, 2015
Effect of elevated CO2 concentration and vapour pressure deficit on isoprene emission from leaves of Populus deltoides during drought
E Pegoraro, A Rey, EG Bobich, G Barron-Gafford, KA Grieve, Y Malhi, ...
Functional Plant Biology 31 (12), 1137-1147, 2004
Seed dispersal of desert annuals
DL Venable, A Flores-Martinez, HC Muller-Landau, G Barron-Gafford, ...
Ecology 89 (8), 2218-2227, 2008
Temperature response surfaces for mortality risk of tree species with future drought
HD Adams, GA Barron-Gafford, RL Minor, AA Gardea, LP Bentley, DJ Law, ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (11), 115014, 2017
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