Scott B. MacKenzie
Scott B. MacKenzie
Professor Emeritus of Marketing, Indiana University
Потвърден имейл адрес: indiana.edu
Common method biases in behavioral research: a critical review of the literature and recommended remedies.
PM Podsakoff, SB MacKenzie, JY Lee, NP Podsakoff
Journal of applied psychology 88 (5), 879, 2003
Sources/Causes of Common Method Bias in Social Science Research and Recommendations on How toControl It
PM Podsakoff, SB MacKenzie, NP Podsakoff
Annual Review of Psychology 63 (1), 539-569, 2012
Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research
PM Podsakoff, SB MacKenzie, JB Paine, DG Bachrach
Journal of management 26 (3), 513-563, 2000
Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors
PM Podsakoff, SB MacKenzie, RH Moorman, R Fetter
The leadership quarterly 1 (2), 107-142, 1990
A critical review of construct indicators and measurement model misspecification in marketing and consumer research
CB Jarvis, SB MacKenzie, PM Podsakoff
Journal of consumer research 30 (2), 199-218, 2003
Organizational citizenship behavior: Its nature, antecedents, and consequences
DW Organ, PM Podsakoff, SB MacKenzie
Sage Publications, Inc, 2006
The role of attitude toward the ad as a mediator of advertising effectiveness: A test of competing explanations
SB MacKenzie, RJ Lutz, GE Belch
Journal of marketing research 23 (2), 130-143, 1986
An empirical examination of the structural antecedents of attitude toward the ad in an advertising pretesting context
SB MacKenzie, RJ Lutz
Journal of Marketing 53 (2), 48-65, 1989
A reexamination of the determinants of consumer satisfaction
RA Spreng, SB MacKenzie, RW Olshavsky
Journal of Marketing 60 (3), 15-32, 1996
Construct measurement and validation procedures in MIS and behavioral research: Integrating new and existing techniques
SB MacKenzie, PM Podsakoff, NP Podsakoff
MIS quarterly, 293-334, 2011
Transformational leader behaviors and substitutes for leadership as determinants of employee satisfaction, commitment, trust, and organizational citize
PM Podsakoff, SB MacKenzie, WH Bommer
Journal of management 22 (2), 259-298, 1996
Organizational citizenship behavior and the quantity and quality of work group performance.
PM Podsakoff, M Ahearne, SB MacKenzie
Journal of applied psychology 82 (2), 262, 1997
Common Method Bias in Marketing: Causes, Mechanisms, and Procedural Remedies
SB MacKenzie, PM Podsakoff
Journal of Retailing 88 (4), 542–555, 2012
Impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational performance: A review and suggestions for future research
PM Podsakoff, SB MacKenzie
Human Performance, 133-151, 1997
The problem of measurement model misspecification in behavioral and organizational research and some recommended solutions.
SB MacKenzie, PM Podsakoff, CB Jarvis
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (4), 710-730, 2005
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Sales Unit Effectiveness
PM Podsakoff, SB MacKenzie
Journal of Marketing Research, 351-363, 1994
Transformational and transactional leadership and salesperson performance
SB MacKenzie, PM Podsakoff, GA Rich
Journal of the academy of Marketing Science 29, 115-134, 2001
Organizational citizenship behavior and objective productivity as determinants of managerial evaluations of salespersons' performance
SB MacKenzie, PM Podsakoff, R Fetter
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 50 (1), 123-150, 1991
Some possible antecedents and consequences of in-role and extra-role salesperson performance
SB MacKenzie, PM Podsakoff, M Ahearne
Journal of Marketing, 87-98, 1998
The impact of organizational citizenship behavior on evaluations of salesperson performance
SB MacKenzie, PM Podsakoff, R Fetter
Journal of marketing 57 (1), 70-80, 1993
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