Jonas F. L. Schwarz
Jonas F. L. Schwarz
Потвърден имейл адрес: uni-bielefeld.de - Начална страница
Importance of a species’ socioecology: Wolves outperform dogs in a conspecific cooperation task
S Marshall-Pescini, JFL Schwarz, I Kostelnik, Z Virányi, F Range
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (44), 11793-11798, 2017
Individuality counts: A new comprehensive approach to foraging strategies of a tropical marine predator
JFL Schwarz, S Mews, EJ DeRango, R Langrock, P Piedrahita, ...
Oecologia 195, 313-325, 2021
Intrinsic and maternal traits influence personality during early life in Galápagos sea lion, Zalophus wollebaeki, pups
EJ DeRango, JFL Schwarz, S Kalberer, P Piedrahita, D Páez-Rosas, ...
Animal Behaviour 154, 111-120, 2019
Intraspecific variation in boldness and exploration shapes behavioral responses to stress in Galápagos sea lion pups
EJ DeRango, JFL Schwarz, P Piedrahita, D Páez-Rosas, F Trillmich, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 1-13, 2019
A stable foraging polymorphism buffers Galápagos sea lions against environmental change
JFL Schwarz, EJ DeRango, F Zenth, S Kalberer, JI Hoffman, S Mews, ...
Current Biology 32 (7), 1623-1628. e3, 2022
Hormone‐mediated foraging strategies in an uncertain environment: Insights into the at‐sea behavior of a marine predator
EJ DeRango, JFL Schwarz, P Piedrahita, D Páez‐Rosas, DE Crocker, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (12), 7579, 2021
Pinniped ‘personality’, or consistent individual differences
EJ DeRango, JFL Schwarz
Ethology and behavioral ecology of otariids and the odobenid, 367-390, 2021
Developmental conditions promote individual differentiation of endocrine axes and behavior in a tropical pinniped
EJ DeRango, JFL Schwarz, F Zenth, P Piedrahita, D Páez-Rosas, ...
Oecologia 195, 25-35, 2021
More than the sum of its parts: individual behavioural phenotypes of a wild pinniped
F Zenth, EJ DeRango, O Krüger, P Piedrahita, D Páez-Rosas, ...
Animal Behaviour 179, 213-223, 2021
Galápagos Sea Lion (Zalophus wollebaeki, Sivertsen 1953)
O Krüger, S Kalberer, K Meise, J Schwarz, E DeRango, P Piedrahita, ...
Ecology and Conservation of Pinnipeds in Latin America, 145-163, 2021
How to behave in a changing world. Development and consequences of stable behavioural differences in the Galápagos sea lion
J Schwarz
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