Rachel Hurley
Validation of a method for extracting microplastics from complex, organic-rich, environmental matrices
RR Hurley, AL Lusher, M Olsen, L Nizzetto
Environmental science & technology 52 (13), 7409-7417, 2018
Microplastic contamination of river beds significantly reduced by catchment-wide flooding
R Hurley, J Woodward, JJ Rothwell
Nature Geoscience 11, 251–257, 2018
Fate and occurrence of micro (nano) plastics in soils: Knowledge gaps and possible risks
RR Hurley, L Nizzetto
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 1, 6-11, 2018
Transfer and transport of microplastics from biosolids to agricultural soils and the wider environment
J Crossman, RR Hurley, M Futter, L Nizzetto
Science of the Total Environment 724, 138334, 2020
Mytilus spp. as sentinels for monitoring microplastic pollution in Norwegian coastal waters: A qualitative and quantitative study
ILN Bråte, R Hurley, K Iversen, J Beyer, KV Thomas, CC Steindal, ...
Environmental Pollution 243, 383-393, 2018
Ingestion of microplastics by freshwater tubifex worms
RR Hurley, JC Woodward, JJ Rothwell
Environmental science & technology 51 (21), 12844-12851, 2017
Exploring the impacts of plastics in soil–The effects of polyester textile fibers on soil invertebrates
S Selonen, A Dolar, AJ Kokalj, T Skalar, LP Dolcet, R Hurley, ...
Science of the Total Environment 700, 134451, 2020
Is it or isn't it: the importance of visual classification in microplastic characterization
AL Lusher, ILN Bråte, K Munno, RR Hurley, NA Welden
Applied spectroscopy 74 (9), 1139-1153, 2020
Acute riverine microplastic contamination due to avoidable releases of untreated wastewater
J Woodward, J Li, J Rothwell, R Hurley
Nature Sustainability 4 (9), 793-802, 2021
Mapping microplastics in sludge
AL Lusher, R Hurley, C Vogelsang, L Nizzetto, M Olsen
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2018
Plastic waste in the terrestrial environment
R Hurley, A Horton, A Lusher, L Nizzetto
Plastic waste and recycling, 163-193, 2020
Exploring the impacts of microplastics and associated chemicals in the terrestrial environment–Exposure of soil invertebrates to tire particles
S Selonen, A Dolar, AJ Kokalj, LNA Sackey, T Skalar, VC Fernandes, ...
Environmental Research 201, 111495, 2021
Fate of microplastics in agricultural soils amended with sewage sludge: Is surface water runoff a relevant environmental pathway?
T Schell, R Hurley, NT Buenaventura, PV Mauri, L Nizzetto, A Rico, ...
Environmental Pollution 293, 118520, 2022
Testing of methodology for measuring microplastics in blue mussels (Mytilus spp) and sediments, and recommendations for future monitoring of microplastics (R & D-project)
A Lusher, ILN Bråte, R Hurley, K Iversen, M Olsen
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2017
Spatio-temporal distribution of microplastics in a Mediterranean river catchment: the importance of wastewater as an environmental pathway
T Schell, R Hurley, L Nizzetto, A Rico, M Vighi
Journal of hazardous materials 420, 126481, 2021
Microplastics in terrestrial and freshwater environments
EMF Kallenbach, ES Rødland, NT Buenaventura, R Hurley
Microplastic in the environment: Pattern and process, 87-130, 2022
Large-scale monitoring and risk assessment of microplastics in the Amazon River
A Rico, PE Redondo-Hasselerharm, M Vighi, AV Waichman, ...
Water Research 232, 119707, 2023
Moving forward in microplastic research: a Norwegian perspective
AL Lusher, R Hurley, HPH Arp, AM Booth, ILN Bråte, GW Gabrielsen, ...
Environment International 157, 106794, 2021
Controlling factors of microplastic riverine flux and implications for reliable monitoring strategy
M Bai, Y Lin, RR Hurley, L Zhu, D Li
Environmental science & technology 56 (1), 48-61, 2021
Metal contamination of bed sediments in the Irwell and Upper Mersey catchments, northwest England: Exploring the legacy of industry and urban growth
RR Hurley, JJ Rothwell, JC Woodward
Journal of Soils and Sediments 17, 2648-2665, 2017
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