Christopher Neil Prilop
Promoting pre-service teachers' professional vision of classroom management during practical school training: Effects of a structured online-and video-based self-reflection and …
KE Weber, B Gold, CN Prilop, M Kleinknecht
Teaching and teacher education 76, 39-49, 2018
Effects of digital video-based feedback environments on pre-service teachers’ feedback competence
CN Prilop, KE Weber, M Kleinknecht
Computers in Human Behavior, 2020
The role of expert feedback in the development of pre-service teachers’ professional vision of classroom management in an online blended learning environment
CN Prilop, KE Weber, M Kleinknecht
Teaching and Teacher Education 99, 12, 2021
How digital reflection and feedback environments contribute to pre-service teachers’ beliefs during a teaching practicum
CN Prilop, KE Weber, M Kleinknecht
Studies in Educational Evaluation 62, 158-170, 2019
Connecting feedback to self-efficacy: Receiving and providing peer feedback in teacher education
CN Prilop, KE Weber, FJ Prins, M Kleinknecht
Studies in Educational Evaluation 70, 101062, 2021
Fördert eine videobasierte Intervention im Praktikum die professionelle Wahrnehmung von Klassenführung?–Eine quantitativ-inhaltsanalytische Messung von Subprozessen …
KE Weber, CN Prilop, S Viehoff, B Gold, M Kleinknecht
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 23 (2), 343-365, 2020
Effects of blended and video-based coaching approaches on preservice teachers' self-efficacy and perceived competence support
KE Weber, CN Prilop, M Kleinknecht
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 22, 100318, 2019
Analyzing pre-and in-service teachers’ feedback practice with microteaching videos
A Holstein, KE Weber, CN Prilop, M Kleinknecht
Teaching and Teacher Education 117, 103817, 2022
Digital video-based peer feedback training: The effect of expert feedback on pre-service teachers’ peer feedback beliefs and peer feedback quality
CN Prilop, KE Weber
Teaching and Teacher Education 127, 104099, 2023
Effects of different video-or text-based reflection stimuli on pre-service teachers’ emotions, immersion, cognitive load and knowledge-based reasoning
KE Weber, CN Prilop, M Kleinknecht
Studies in Educational Evaluation 77, 101256, 2023
Entwicklung eines video- und textbasierten Instruments zur Messung kollegialer Feedbackkompetenz von Lehrkräften
CN Prilop, KE Weber, M Kleinknecht
Lehrer. Bildung. Gestalten: Beiträge zur empirischen Forschung in der …, 2019
Förderung von Kernkompetenzen in der Lehramtsausbildung durch videobasiertes Microteaching und Peerfeedback
AF Altmann, KE Weber, CN Prilop, M Kleinknecht, M Nückles
Lehrer. Bildung. Gestalten: Beiträge zur empirischen Forschung in der …, 2019
Video-, Text-oder Live-Coaching? Konzeption und Erprobung neuer Formate der Praktikumsbegleitung
KE Weber, CN Prilop, K Glimm, M Kleinknecht
Herausforderung Lehrer* innenbildung-Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung …, 2018
Quality in teacher education and professional development: Chinese and German perspectives
JC Lee, T Ehmke
Routledge, 2021
Does a video-based practicum intervention provide a realistic picture of classroom management? A quantitative content analysis of the subprocesses of professional awareness
KE Weber, CN Prilop, S Viehoff, B Gold, M Kleinknecht
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 23, 343-365, 2020
The promise and pitfalls of a blended, video-and coaching-based professional development program in Germany
A Holstein, KE Weber, CN Prilop, M Kleinknecht
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2021
Effects of an online-and video-based learning environment on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, attitudes towards inclusion and knowledge of inclusive education …
KE Weber, CN Prilop, M Kleinknecht
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2019
Videobasierte Reflexion von klassenführungsspezifischen Ereignissen–Welche Rolle spielen Wissen und Reflexionsbereitschaft von Lehramtsstudierenden?
KE Weber, K Neuber, CN Prilop
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 26 (5), 1235-1257, 2023
Wie kann die professionelle Reflexion von angehenden Lehrer* innen digital gefördert werden?–Chancen und Grenzen neuer Tools in der Lehrer* innenbildung
D Scholl, Y Völschow, D Anders, S Küth, JN Warrelmann, M Kleinknecht, ...
Reflexion und Reflexivität in Unterricht, Schule und Lehrer: innenbildung, 185, 2022
AI-prompted peer feedback: Can an AI feedback coach enhance peer feedback quality
RR Hansen, CN Prilop, TA Nielsen
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