Nikolaos I. Prasianakis
Nikolaos I. Prasianakis
Head of transport mechanisms group, Laboratory for waste management, Paul Scherrer Institut
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Hydrodynamics beyond Navier-Stokes: Exact solution to the lattice Boltzmann hierarchy
S Ansumali, IV Karlin, S Arcidiacono, A Abbas, NI Prasianakis
Physical review letters 98 (12), 124502, 2007
Saturation dependent effective transport properties of PEFC gas diffusion layers
T Rosén, J Eller, J Kang, NI Prasianakis, J Mantzaras, FN Büchi
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159 (9), F536, 2012
Simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore scale with evolving fluid-solid interfaces: Review of approaches and benchmark problem set
S Molins, C Soulaine, NI Prasianakis, A Abbasi, P Poncet, AJC Ladd, ...
Computational Geosciences 25, 1285-1318, 2021
Lattice Boltzmann method for thermal flow simulation on standard lattices
NI Prasianakis, IV Karlin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (1 …, 2007
Ultrasonic testing of non-metallic materials: concrete and marble
IN Prassianakis, NI Prassianakis
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 42 (2), 191-198, 2004
Lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of compressible flows on standard lattices
NI Prasianakis, IV Karlin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (1 …, 2008
Deciphering pore-level precipitation mechanisms
NI Prasianakis, E Curti, G Kosakowski, J Poonoosamy, SV Churakov
Scientific reports 7 (1), 13765, 2017
Multiscale modeling of ion diffusion in cement paste: electrical double layer effects
Y Yang, RA Patel, SV Churakov, NI Prasianakis, G Kosakowski, M Wang
Cement and Concrete Composites 96, 55-65, 2019
Quasi-equilibrium lattice Boltzmann method
S Ansumali, S Arcidiacono, SS Chikatamarla, NI Prasianakis, AN Gorban, ...
The European Physical Journal B 56, 135-139, 2007
An experimental and numerical investigation of the combustion and heat transfer characteristics of hydrogen-fueled catalytic microreactors
R Sui, NI Prasianakis, J Mantzaras, N Mallya, J Theile, D Lagrange, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 141, 214-230, 2016
Lattice Boltzmann method with restored Galilean invariance
NI Prasianakis, IV Karlin, J Mantzaras, KB Boulouchos
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (6 …, 2009
Experimental and pore-level numerical investigation of water evaporation in gas diffusion layers of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
MA Safi, NI Prasianakis, J Mantzaras, A Lamibrac, FN Büchi
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115, 238-249, 2017
Neural network based process coupling and parameter upscaling in reactive transport simulations
NI Prasianakis, R Haller, M Mahrous, J Poonoosamy, W Pfingsten, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 291, 126-143, 2020
A microfluidic experiment and pore scale modelling diagnostics for assessing mineral precipitation and dissolution in confined spaces
J Poonoosamy, C Westerwalbesloh, G Deissmann, M Mahrous, E Curti, ...
Chemical geology 528, 119264, 2019
Thermal multicomponent lattice Boltzmann model for catalytic reactive flows
J Kang, NI Prasianakis, J Mantzaras
Physical Review E 89 (6), 063310, 2014
Simulation of 3D porous media flows with application to polymer electrolyte fuel cells
NI Prasianakis, T Rosén, J Kang, J Eller, J Mantzaras, FN Büichi
Communications in Computational Physics 13 (3), 851-866, 2013
Lattice Boltzmann model for reactive flow simulations
AF Di Rienzo, P Asinari, E Chiavazzo, NI Prasianakis, J Mantzaras
Europhysics Letters 98 (3), 34001, 2012
Entropic lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of thermal flows
NI Prasianakis, SS Chikatamarla, IV Karlin, S Ansumali, K Boulouchos
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 72 (2-6), 179-183, 2006
A multi-level pore scale reactive transport model for the investigation of combined leaching and carbonation of cement paste
RA Patel, SV Churakov, NI Prasianakis
Cement and Concrete Composites 115, 103831, 2021
Upscaling strategies of porosity‐permeability correlations in reacting environments from pore‐scale simulations
NI Prasianakis, M Gatschet, A Abbasi, SV Churakov
Geofluids 2018 (1), 9260603, 2018
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