Carlos Eduardo Ganade
Carlos Eduardo Ganade
Geological Survey of Brazil
Потвърден имейл адрес: cprm.gov.br
The significance of the Transbrasiliano-Kandi tectonic corridor for the amalgamation of West Gondwana
UG Cordani, MM Pimentel, CEG Araújo, R Fuck
Brazilian journal of Geology 43 (3), 583-597, 2013
Ediacaran 2,500-km-long synchronous deep continental subduction in the West Gondwana Orogen
CE Ganade de Araujo, D Rubatto, J Hermann, UG Cordani, R Caby, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5198, 2014
Toward an integrated model of geological evolution for NE Brazil-NW Africa: The Borborema Province and its connections to the Trans-Saharan (Benino-Nigerian and Tuareg shields …
FA Caxito, LCML Santos, CE Ganade, A Bendaoud, EH Fettous, ...
Brazilian Journal of Geology 50, e20190122, 2020
Extruding the Borborema Province (NE‐Brazil): a two‐stage Neoproterozoic collision process
CE Ganade de Araujo, RF Weinberg, UG Cordani
Terra Nova 26 (2), 157-168, 2014
Tourmaline B-isotopes fingerprint marine evaporites as the source of high-salinity ore fluids in iron oxide copper-gold deposits, Carajás Mineral Province (Brazil)
RP Xavier, M Wiedenbeck, RB Trumbull, AM Dreher, LVS Monteiro, ...
Geology 36 (9), 743-746, 2008
Was there an Ediacaran Clymene ocean in central South America?
UG Cordani, MM Pimentel, CEG De Araújo, MAS Basei, RA Fuck, ...
American Journal of Science 313 (6), 517-539, 2013
Tightening-up NE Brazil and NW Africa connections: New U–Pb/Lu–Hf zircon data of a complete plate tectonic cycle in the Dahomey belt of the West Gondwana Orogen in Togo and Benin
CE Ganade, UG Cordani, Y Agbossoumounde, R Caby, MAS Basei, ...
Precambrian Research 276, 24-42, 2016
Tracing Neoproterozoic subduction in the Borborema Province (NE-Brazil): Clues from U-Pb geochronology and Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopes on granitoids and migmatites
CEG de Araujo, UG Cordani, RF Weinberg, MAS Basei, R Armstrong, ...
Lithos 202, 167-189, 2014
U–Pb detrital zircon provenance of metasedimentary rocks from the Ceará Central and Médio Coreaú Domains, Borborema Province, NE-Brazil: tectonic implications for a long-lived …
CEG de Araujo, UG Cordani, MAS Basei, NA Castro, K Sato, ...
Precambrian Research 206, 36-51, 2012
The tectonic history of the southern Adamastor Ocean based on a correlation of the Kaoko and Dom Feliciano belts
MAS Basei, HE Frimmel, MC Campos Neto, CEG de Araujo, NA de Castro, ...
Geology of Southwest Gondwana, 63-85, 2018
Statistical analyses of global U-Pb database 2017
SJ Puetz, CE Ganade, U Zimmermann, G Borchardt
Geoscience Frontiers 9 (1), 121-145, 2018
Constraining timing and PT conditions of continental collision and late overprinting in the Southern Brasília Orogen (SE-Brazil): U-Pb zircon ages and geothermobarometry of the …
MB Coelho, RAJ Trouw, CE Ganade, R Vinagre, JC Mendes, K Sato
Precambrian Research 292, 194-215, 2017
Analyses from a validated global UPb detrital zircon database: Enhanced methods for filtering discordant UPb zircon analyses and optimizing crystallization age estimates
SJ Puetz, CJ Spencer, CE Ganade
Earth-Science Reviews 220, 103745, 2021
Decratonization by rifting enables orogenic reworking and transcurrent dispersal of old terranes in NE Brazil
CE Ganade, RF Weinberg, FA Caxito, LBL Lopes, LR Tesser, IS Costa
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 5719, 2021
Provenance of the Novo Oriente Group, southwestern Ceará Central Domain, Borborema Province (NE-Brazil): a dismembered segment of a magma-poor passive margin or a restricted …
CEG de Araújo, TRG Pinéo, R Caby, FG Costa, JC Cavalcante, ...
Gondwana Research 18 (2-3), 497-513, 2010
Contrasting Archaean (2.85–2.68 Ga) TTGs from the Tróia Massif (NE-Brazil) and their geodynamic implications for flat to steep subduction transition
CE Ganade, MAS Basei, FC Grandjean, R Armstrong, RS Brito
Precambrian Research 297, 1-18, 2017
Quantifying the evolution of the continental and oceanic crust
SJ Puetz, KC Condie, S Pisarevsky, A Davaille, CJ Schwarz, CE Ganade
Earth-Science Reviews 164, 63-83, 2017
Ordovician A-type granitoid magmatism on the Ceará central domain, Borborema province, NE-Brazil
NA Castro, CEG de Araujo, MAS Basei, LS Osako, AA Nutman, D Liu
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 36, 18-31, 2012
Dating Gondwanan continental crust at the Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic
RV Santos, CE Ganade, CM Lacasse, ISL Costa, I Pessanha, EP Frazão, ...
Terra Nova 31 (5), 424-429, 2019
Goldilocks at the dawn of complex life: mountains might have damaged Ediacaran–Cambrian ecosystems and prompted an early Cambrian greenhouse world
F Caxito, C Lana, R Frei, GJ Uhlein, AN Sial, EL Dantas, AG Pinto, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 20010, 2021
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