Payam Shojaei
Airports evaluation and ranking model using Taguchi loss function, best-worst method and VIKOR technique
P Shojaei, SAS Haeri, S Mohammadi
Journal of Air Transport Management 68, 4-13, 2018
Development of supply chain risk management approaches for construction projects: A grounded theory approach
P Shojaei, SAS Haeri
Computers & Industrial Engineering 128, 837-850, 2019
Key performance indicators in hospital based on balanced scorecard model
H Rahimi, Z Kavosi, P Shojaei, E Kharazmi
Health Management & Information Science 4 (1), 17-24, 2017
Analyzing the interaction of main components of hidden curriculum in medical education using interpretive structural modeling method
Y Sarikhani, P Shojaei, M Rafiee, S Delavari
BMC Medical Education 20, 1-9, 2020
A comprehensive map of the evidence on the performance evaluation indicators of public hospitals: a scoping study and best fit framework synthesis
K Pourmohammadi, N Hatam, P Shojaei, P Bastani
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 16, 1-22, 2018
Rough MCDM model for green supplier selection in Iran: a case of university construction project
P Shojaei, A Bolvardizadeh
Built Environment Project and Asset Management 10 (3), 437-452, 2020
Developing a strategy map to improve public hospitals performance with balanced scorecard and dematel approach
H Rahimi, J Bahmaei, P Shojaei, Z Kavosi, M Khavasi
Shiraz E Medical Journal 19 (7), e64056, 2018
Evaluating the health system financing of the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) countries using Grey Relation Analysis and Shannon Entropy
K Pourmohammadi, P Shojaei, H Rahimi, P Bastani
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 16, 1-9, 2018
A comparative survey of the condition of tourism infrastructure in Iranian provinces using VIKOR and TOPSIS
M Bagheri, P Shojaei, M Khorami
Decision Science Letters 7 (1), 87-102, 2018
Prioritising COVID-19 recovery solutions for tourism small and medium-sized enterprises: A rough best-worst method approach
A Haqbin, P Shojaei, S Radmanesh
Journal of Decision Systems 31 (1-2), 102-115, 2022
Proposing a model for assessing green hotels based on ecological indicators
M Bagheri, P Shojaei, SA Jahromi, M Kiani
Tourism and hospitality research 20 (4), 406-422, 2020
Selecting the most suitable organizational structure for hospitals: an integrated fuzzy FUCOM-MARCOS method
M Khosravi, A Haqbin, Z Zare, P Shojaei
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 20 (1), 29, 2022
A conceptual model for open innovation risk management based on the capabilities of SMEs: A multi-level fuzzy MADM approach
F Farjam, P Shojaei, K Askarifar
Technovation 127, 102844, 2023
A comprehensive environmental scanning and strategic analysis of Iranian Public Hospitals: a prospective approach
K Pourmohammadi, P Bastani, P Shojaei, N Hatam, A Salehi
BMC research notes 13, 1-7, 2020
Interpretive structural modeling of the factors affecting induced demand for health services
V Rostami, P Shojaei, J Bahmaei
Health Management & Information Science 7 (2), 107-116, 2020
Explanation an interpretive structural model of travel and tourism competitiveness indicators (Case study: Fars province)
M Bagheri, P Shojaei, M Kiani
Journal of Tourism Planning and Development 5 (18), 137-157, 2016
Ranking of Iranian provinces based on healthcare infrastructures: before and after implementation of Health Transformation Plan
P Shojaei, N Bordbar, A Ghanbarzadegan, M Najibi, P Bastani
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 18, 1-13, 2020
Identifying and prioritizing effective factors on outsourcing in public hospitals using fuzzy BWM
M Rowshan, P Shojaei, K Askarifar, H Rahimi
Hospital topics 98 (1), 16-25, 2020
Development of a model for predicting hospital beds shortage and optimal policies using system dynamics approach
SM Najibi, SH Seyedi, P Farhadi, E Kharazmi, P Shojaei, S Delavari, ...
BMC Health Services Research 22 (1), 1525, 2022
Investigating social risks of construction projects in historic tourism sites in urban districts of developing countries: social network analysis approach
S Jokar, P Shojaei, K Askarifar, A Haqbin
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 36 (2), 358-378, 2024
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