Kun Wang (王堃)
Kun Wang (王堃)
Professor, Fudan University
Потвърден имейл адрес: fudan.edu.cn - Начална страница
Green industrial Internet of Things architecture: An energy-efficient perspective
K Wang, Y Wang, Y Sun, S Guo, J Wu
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (12), 48-54, 2016
A survey on energy internet: Architecture, approach, and emerging technologies
K Wang, J Yu, Y Yu, Y Qian, D Zeng, S Guo, Y Xiang, J Wu
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2403-2416, 2017
A Comprehensive Survey of Blockchain: from Theory to IoT Applications and Beyond
CR Mingli Wu, Kun Wang, Xiaoqin Cai, Song Guo, Minyi Guo
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019
LightChain: A Lightweight Blockchain System for Industrial Internet of Things
Y Liu, K Wang, Y Lin, W Xu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019
Making big data open in edges: A resource-efficient blockchain-based approach
C Xu, K Wang, P Li, S Guo, J Luo, B Ye, M Guo
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 30 (4), 870-882, 2019
Energy big data: A survey
H Jiang, K Wang, Y Wang, M Gao, Y Zhang
IEEE Access 4, 3844-3861, 2016
Robust big data analytics for electricity price forecasting in the smart grid
K Wang, C Xu, Y Zhang, S Guo, AY Zomaya
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 5 (1), 34-45, 2017
Intelligent resource management in blockchain-based cloud datacenters
C Xu, K Wang, M Guo
IEEE Cloud Computing 4 (6), 50-59, 2017
Strategic honeypot game model for distributed denial of service attacks in the smart grid
K Wang, M Du, S Maharjan, Y Sun
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (5), 2474-2482, 2017
Big Data Cleaning Based on Mobile Edge Computing in Industrial Sensor-Cloud
T Wang, H Ke, X Zheng, K Wang, AK Sangaiah, A Liu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019
Green resource allocation based on deep reinforcement learning in content-centric IoT
X He, K Wang, H Huang, T Miyazaki, Y Wang, S Guo
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 8 (3), 781-796, 2018
Traffic and Computation Co-Offloading With Reinforcement Learning in Fog Computing for Industrial Applications
Y Wang, K Wang, H Huang, T Miyazaki, S Guo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (2), 976-986, 2019
An Energy-efficient Reliable Data Transmission Scheme for Complex Environmental Monitoring in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
K Wang, H Gao, X Xu, J Jiang, D Yue
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (11), 4051-4062, 2016
Big Data Privacy Preserving in Multi-Access Edge Computing for Heterogeneous Internet of Things
M Du, K Wang, Y Chen, X Wang, Y Sun
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (8), 62-67, 2018
Edge QoE: Computation offloading with deep reinforcement learning for Internet of Things
H Lu, X He, M Du, X Ruan, Y Sun, K Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (10), 9255-9265, 2020
Wireless Big Data Computing in Smart Grid
K Wang, Y Wang, X Hu, Y Sun, DJ Deng, A Vinel, Y Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications 24 (2), 58-64, 2017
A Game Theory-Based Energy Management System Using Price Elasticity for Smart Grids
K Wang, Z Ouyang, R Krishnan, L Shu, L He
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 11 (6), 1607-1616, 2015
Big data analytics for system stability evaluation strategy in the energy internet
K Wang, H Li, Y Feng, G Tian
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (4), 1969-1978, 2017
Mobile big data fault-tolerant processing for eHealth networks
K Wang, Y Shao, L Shu, C Zhu, Y Zhang
IEEE Network 30 (1), 36-42, 2016
A survey on energy internet communications for sustainability
K Wang, X Hu, H Li, P Li, D Zeng, S Guo
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2 (3), 231-254, 2017
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