Julie Juan Li
Julie Juan Li
Потвърден имейл адрес: cityu.edu.hk
The effects of business and political ties on firm performance: Evidence from China
S Sheng, KZ Zhou, JJ Li
Journal of marketing 75 (1), 1-15, 2011
Do managerial ties in China always produce value? Competition, uncertainty, and domestic vs. foreign firms
JJ Li, L Poppo, KZ Zhou
Strategic management journal 29 (4), 383-400, 2008
Relational mechanisms, formal contracts, and local knowledge acquisition by international subsidiaries
JJ Li, L Poppo, KZ Zhou
Strategic management journal 31 (4), 349-370, 2010
Market orientation, job satisfaction, product quality, and firm performance: evidence from China
KZ Zhou, JJ Li, N Zhou, C Su
Strategic management journal 29 (9), 985-1000, 2008
How face influences consumption-a comparative study of American and Chinese consumers
J Juan Li, C Su
International Journal of Market Research 49 (2), 237-256, 2007
When can you trust “trust”? Calculative trust, relational trust, and supplier performance
L Poppo, KZ Zhou, JJ Li
Strategic management journal 37 (4), 724-741, 2016
Competitive position, managerial ties, and profitability of foreign firms in China: An interactive perspective
JJ Li, KZ Zhou, AT Shao
Journal of International Business Studies 40, 339-352, 2009
How foreign firms achieve competitive advantage in the Chinese emerging economy: Managerial ties and market orientation
JJ Li, KZ Zhou
Journal of Business research 63 (8), 856-862, 2010
How does environmental corporate social responsibility matter in a dysfunctional institutional environment? Evidence from China
Z Wei, H Shen, KZ Zhou, JJ Li
Journal of business ethics 140, 209-223, 2017
The formation of managerial networks of foreign firms in China: The effects of strategic orientations
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 22, 423-443, 2005
Organizational changes in emerging economies: Drivers and consequences
KZ Zhou, DK Tse, JJ Li
Journal of International Business Studies 37, 248-263, 2006
The interplay of drivers and deterrents of opportunism in buyer–supplier relationships
Q Wang, JJ Li, WT Ross, CW Craighead
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 41, 111-131, 2013
Contract governance and buyer–supplier conflict: The moderating role of institutions
X Bai, S Sheng, JJ Li
Journal of Operations Management 41, 12-24, 2016
The influence of leadership on product and process innovations in China: The contingent role of knowledge acquisition capability
J Chang, X Bai, JJ Li
Industrial marketing management 50, 18-29, 2015
Achieving superior financial performance in China: differentiation, cost leadership, or both?
CB Li, JJ Li
Journal of international Marketing 16 (3), 1-22, 2008
Justice served: Mitigating damaged trust stemming from supply chain disruptions
Q Wang, CW Craighead, JJ Li
Journal of Operations Management 32 (6), 374-386, 2014
Product co-development in an emerging market: The role of buyer-supplier compatibility and institutional environment
JJ Wang, JJ Li, J Chang
Journal of Operations Management 46, 69-83, 2016
The evolving role of managerial ties and firm capabilities in an emerging economy: Evidence from China
KZ Zhou, JJ Li, S Sheng, AT Shao
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 42, 581-595, 2014
Institutions and opportunism in buyer–supplier exchanges: The moderated mediating effects of contractual and relational governance
S Sheng, KZ Zhou, JJ Li, Z Guo
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46, 1014-1031, 2018
Group buying: A strategic form of consumer collective
JJ Wang, X Zhao, JJ Li
Journal of Retailing 89 (3), 338-351, 2013
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