Daniel Hunkeler
Daniel Hunkeler
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A new concept linking observable stable isotope fractionation to transformation pathways of organic pollutants
M Elsner, L Zwank, D Hunkeler, RP Schwarzenbach
Environmental science & technology 39 (18), 6896-6916, 2005
Monitoring microbial dechlorination of tetrachloroethene (PCE) in groundwater using compound-specific stable carbon isotope ratios: microcosm and field studies
D Hunkeler, R Aravena, BJ Butler
Environmental Science & Technology 33 (16), 2733-2738, 1999
Current challenges in compound-specific stable isotope analysis of environmental organic contaminants
M Elsner, MA Jochmann, TB Hofstetter, D Hunkeler, A Bernstein, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 403, 2471-2491, 2012
A guide for assessing biodegradation and source identification of organic ground water contaminants using compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA)
D Hunkeler, RU Meckenstock, B Sherwood Lollar, TC Schmidt, JT Wilson, ...
Washington, DC, USA, 2008
Carbon Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Dechlorination of Trichloroethene, cis-1,2-Dichloroethene, and Vinyl Chloride:  Implications for Assessment of …
Y Bloom, R Aravena, D Hunkeler, E Edwards, SK Frape
Environmental science & technology 34 (13), 2768-2772, 2000
Microbial biocenoses in pristine aquifers and an assessment of investigative methods
N Goldscheider, D Hunkeler, P Rossi
Hydrogeology Journal 14, 926-941, 2006
Environmental isotopes in biodegradation and bioremediation
CM Aelion, P Höhener, D Hunkeler, R Aravena
CRC press, 2009
Hydrogen and carbon isotope fractionation during aerobic biodegradation of benzene
D Hunkeler, N Andersen, R Aravena, SM Bernasconi, BJ Butler
Environmental Science & Technology 35 (17), 3462-3467, 2001
Carbon and Chlorine Isotope Fractionation during Aerobic Oxidation and Reductive Dechlorination of Vinyl Chloride and cis-1,2-Dichloroethene
Y Abe, R Aravena, J Zopfi, O Shouakar-Stash, E Cox, JD Roberts, ...
Environmental science & technology 43 (1), 101-107, 2009
Does the Rayleigh equation apply to evaluate field isotope data in contaminant hydrogeology?
Y Abe, D Hunkeler
Environmental science & technology 40 (5), 1588-1596, 2006
Monitoring Biodegradation of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Using Compound-Specific Carbon Isotope Analysis
D Hunkeler, BJ Butler, R Aravena, JF Barker
Environmental science & technology 35 (4), 676-681, 2001
Assessment of degradation pathways in an aquifer with mixed chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination using stable isotope analysis
D Hunkeler, R Aravena, K Berry-Spark, E Cox
Environmental science & technology 39 (16), 5975-5981, 2005
Determination of compound-specific carbon isotope ratios of chlorinated methanes, ethanes, and ethenes in aqueous samples
D Hunkeler, R Aravena
Environmental Science & Technology 34 (13), 2839-2844, 2000
From multi-scale conceptualization to a classification system for inland groundwater-dependent ecosystems
G Bertrand, N Goldscheider, JM Gobat, D Hunkeler
Hydrogeology Journal 20 (1), 5-25, 2012
Effect of source variability and transport processes on carbon isotope ratios of TCE and PCE in two sandy aquifers
D Hunkeler, N Chollet, X Pittet, R Aravena, JA Cherry, BL Parker
Journal of contaminant hydrology 74 (1-4), 265-282, 2004
Compound-specific chlorine isotope analysis: a comparison of gas chromatography/isotope ratio mass spectrometry and gas chromatography/quadrupole mass spectrometry methods in …
A Bernstein, O Shouakar-Stash, K Ebert, C Laskov, D Hunkeler, ...
Analytical chemistry 83 (20), 7624-7634, 2011
Carbon isotopes as a tool to evaluate the origin and fate of vinyl chloride: laboratory experiments and modeling of isotope evolution
D Hunkeler, R Aravena, E Cox
Environmental science & technology 36 (15), 3378-3384, 2002
Quantification of sequential chlorinated ethene degradation by use of a reactive transport model incorporating isotope fractionation
BM Van Breukelen, D Hunkeler, F Volkering
Environmental science & technology 39 (11), 4189-4197, 2005
222Rn as a Partitioning Tracer To Detect Diesel Fuel Contamination in Aquifers:  Laboratory Study and Field Observations
D Hunkeler, E Hoehn, P Höhener, J Zeyer
Environmental science & technology 31 (11), 3180-3187, 1997
Determination of spatiotemporal variability of tree water uptake using stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) in an alluvial system supplied by a high‐altitude watershed, Pfyn …
G Bertrand, J Masini, N Goldscheider, J Meeks, V Lavastre, ...
Ecohydrology 7 (2), 319-333, 2014
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