Yanqi Chen (陈彦骐)
Yanqi Chen (陈彦骐)
Ph.D., School of Computer Science, Peking University
Потвърден имейл адрес: pku.edu.cn
Incorporating learnable membrane time constant to enhance learning of spiking neural networks
W Fang, Z Yu, Y Chen, T Masquelier, T Huang, Y Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Deep residual learning in spiking neural networks
W Fang, Z Yu, Y Chen, T Huang, T Masquelier, Y Tian
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 21056-21069, 2021
SpikingJelly: An open-source machine learning infrastructure platform for spike-based intelligence
W Fang, Y Chen, J Ding, Z Yu, T Masquelier, D Chen, L Huang, H Zhou, ...
Science Advances 9 (40), eadi1480, 2023
SpikingJelly (GitHub)
W Fang, Y Chen, J Ding, D Chen, Z Yu, H Zhou, Y Tian
Pruning of Deep Spiking Neural Networks through Gradient Rewiring
Y Chen, Z Yu, W Fang, T Huang, Y Tian
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2021
Parallel spiking neurons with high efficiency and ability to learn long-term dependencies
W Fang, Z Yu, Z Zhou, D Chen, Y Chen, Z Ma, T Masquelier, Y Tian
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
State Transition of Dendritic Spines Improves Learning of Sparse Spiking Neural Networks
Y Chen, Z Yu, W Fang, Z Ma, T Huang, Y Tian
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3701-3715, 2022
A Unified Framework for Soft Threshold Pruning
Y Chen, Z Ma, W Fang, X Zheng, Z Yu, Y Tian
The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
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