Jiliang Zhang
Jiliang Zhang
Потвърден имейл адрес: mail.neu.edu.cn
Complex-valued discrete-time neural dynamics for perturbed time-dependent complex quadratic programming with applications
Y Qi, L Jin, Y Wang, L Xiao, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 31 (9), 3555-3569, 2019
Bit error probability of spatial modulation over measured indoor channels
J Zhang, Y Wang, L Ding, N Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (3), 1380-1387, 2014
On the performance of full-duplex two-way relay channels with spatial modulation
J Zhang, Q Li, KJ Kim, Y Wang, X Ge, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (12), 4966-4982, 2016
Polarization shift keying (PolarSK): system scheme and performance analysis
J Zhang, Y Wang, J Zhang, L Ding
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (11), 10139-10155, 2017
New Joint-Drift-Free Scheme Aided with Projected ZNN for Motion Generation of Redundant Robot Manipulators Perturbed by Disturbances
H Lu, L Jin, J Zhang, Z Sun, S Li, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021
D2D-assisted caching on truncated Zipf distribution
Q Li, Y Zhang, A Pandharipande, X Ge, J Zhang
IEEE Access 7, 13411-13421, 2019
Nonconvex activation noise-suppressing neural network for time-varying quadratic programming: Application to omnidirectional mobile manipulator
Z Sun, S Tang, L Jin, J Zhang, J Yu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19 (11), 10786-10798, 2023
Design and analysis of recurrent neural network models with non‐linear activation functions for solving time‐varying quadratic programming problems
X Zhang, L Chen, S Li, P Stanimirović, J Zhang, L Jin
CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology 6 (4), 394-404, 2021
Performance of virtual full-duplex relaying on cooperative multi-path relay channels
Q Li, M Yu, A Pandharipande, X Ge, J Zhang, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (5), 3628-3642, 2016
End-to-end performance optimization of a dual-hop hybrid VLC/RF IoT system based on SLIPT
H Peng, Q Li, A Pandharipande, X Ge, J Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (24), 17356-17371, 2021
Generalized Polarization-Space Modulation
J Zhang, KJ Kim, AA Glazunov, Y Wang, L Ding, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2020
Wireless Performance Evaluation of Building Layouts: Closed-Form Computation of Figures of Merit
J Zhang, AA Glazunov, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021
Wireless energy efficiency evaluation for buildings under design based on analysis of interference gain
J Zhang, AA Glazunov, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (6), 6310-6324, 2020
Enhancing Indoor mmWave Wireless Coverage: Small-Cell Densification or Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Deployment?
Z Li, H Hu, J Zhang, J Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (11), 2547-2551, 2021
Fundamental Wireless Performance of a Building
J Zhang, AA Glazunov, W Yang, J Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications, 2022
Kinematic information aided user-centric 5G vehicular networks in support of cooperative perception for automated driving
L Ding, Y Wang, P Wu, L Li, J Zhang
IEEE Access 7, 40195-40209, 2019
On modified multi-output Chebyshev-polynomial feed-forward neural network for pattern classification of wine regions
L Jin, Z Huang, Y Li, Z Sun, H Li, J Zhang
IEEE Access 7, 1973-1980, 2019
A transparent antenna using metal mesh for UWB MIMO applications
Y Yao, Y Shao, J Zhang, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 71 (5), 3836-3844, 2023
How friendly are building materials as reflectors to indoor LOS MIMO communications?
Y Zhang, C Chen, S Yang, J Zhang, X Chu, J Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (9), 9116-9127, 2020
Noise-tolerant zeroing neural network for solving non-stationary Lyapunov equation
J Yan, X Xiao, H Li, J Zhang, J Yan, M Liu
IEEE Access 7, 41517-41524, 2019
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