Kitty L  Milliken
Kitty L Milliken
Bureau of Economic Geology
Потвърден имейл адрес: utexas.edu
Organic matter–hosted pore system, Marcellus formation (Devonian), Pennsylvania
KL Milliken, M Rudnicki, DN Awwiller, T Zhang
AAPG bulletin 97 (2), 177-200, 2013
Effect of organic-matter type and thermal maturity on methane adsorption in shale-gas systems
T Zhang, GS Ellis, SC Ruppel, K Milliken, R Yang
Organic geochemistry 47, 120-131, 2012
Experimental investigation of main controls to methane adsorption in clay-rich rocks
L Ji, T Zhang, KL Milliken, J Qu, X Zhang
Applied Geochemistry 27 (12), 2533-2545, 2012
Pore types and pore-size distributions across thermal maturity, Eagle Ford Formation, southern Texas
M Pommer, K Milliken
Aapg Bulletin 99 (9), 1713-1744, 2015
Grain assemblages and strong diagenetic overprinting in siliceous mudrocks, Barnett Shale (Mississippian), Fort Worth Basin, Texas
KL Milliken, WL Esch, RM Reed, T Zhang
AAPG bulletin 96 (8), 1553-1578, 2012
Microbial precipitation of dolomite in methanogenic groundwater
JA Roberts, PC Bennett, LA González, GL Macpherson, KL Milliken
Geology 32 (4), 277-280, 2004
The silicified evaporite syndrome; two aspects of silicification history of former evaporite nodules from southern Kentucky and northern Tennessee
KL Milliken
Journal of Sedimentary Research 49 (1), 245-256, 1979
Feldspar diagenesis in the Frio formation, Brazoria county, Texas Gulf coast
LS Land, KL Milliken
Geology 9 (7), 314-318, 1981
Shales at all scales: Exploring coupled processes in mudrocks
AG Ilgen, JE Heath, IY Akkutlu, LT Bryndzia, DR Cole, YK Kharaka, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 166, 132-152, 2017
Late diagenesis and mass transfer in sandstone shale sequences
KL Milliken
Treatise on geochemistry 7, 407, 2003
Diagenetic evolution of Cenozoic sandstones, Gulf of Mexico sedimentary basin
LS Land, KL Milliken, EF McBride
Sedimentary geology 50 (1-3), 195-225, 1987
History of burial diagenesis determined from isotopic geochemistry, Frio Formation, Brazoria County, Texas
KL Milliken, LS Land, RG Loucks
AAPG Bulletin 65 (8), 1397-1413, 1981
Prediction of lithofacies and reservoir quality using well logs, late cretaceous williams fork formation, mamm creek field, piceance basin, Colorado
A Ozkan, SP Cumella, KL Milliken, SE Laubach
AAPG bulletin 95 (10), 1699-1723, 2011
Silica diagenesis, porosity evolution, and mechanical behavior in siliceous mudstones, Mowry Shale (Cretaceous), Rocky Mountains, USA
KL Milliken, T Olson
Journal of Sedimentary Research 87 (4), 366-387, 2017
A compositional classification for grain assemblages in fine-grained sediments and sedimentary rocks
K Milliken
Journal of Sedimentary Research 84 (12), 1185-1199, 2014
Quartz types, authigenic and detrital, in the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation, south Texas, USA
KL Milliken, SM Ergene, A Ozkan
Sedimentary Geology 339, 273-288, 2016
Petrography and composition of authigenic feldspars, Oligocene Frio Formation, south Texas
KL Milliken
Journal of Sedimentary Research 59 (3), 361-374, 1989
Imaging pores in sedimentary rocks: Foundation of porosity prediction
KL Milliken, ME Curtis
Marine and Petroleum Geology 73, 590-608, 2016
Loss of provenance information through subsurface diagenesis in Plio-Pleistocene sandstones, northern Gulf of Mexico
KL Milliken
Journal of Sedimentary Research 58 (6), 992-1002, 1988
Numerical assessment of dissolution versus replacement in the subsurface destruction of detrital feldspars, Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas
KL Milliken, EF McBride, LS Land
Journal of Sedimentary Research 59 (5), 740-757, 1989
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