Transformative service research, service design, and social entrepreneurship: An interdisciplinary framework advancing wellbeing and social impact L Alkire, C Mooney, FA Gur, S Kabadayi, M Renko, J Vink Journal of Service Management 31 (1), 24-50, 2020 | 139 | 2020 |
Disentangling combinations and contingencies of generic strategies: A set-theoretic configurational approach T Greckhamer, FA Gur Long Range Planning 54 (2), 101951, 2021 | 87 | 2021 |
Know thy enemy: A review and agenda for research on competitor identification FA Gur, T Greckhamer Journal of Management 45 (5), 2072-2100, 2019 | 73 | 2019 |
Reducing environmental uncertainty: How high performance work systems moderate the resource dependence‐firm performance relationship J Bendickson, FA Gur, EC Taylor Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2018 | 59 | 2018 |
Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition in the face of disasters FA Gur, JS Bendickson, L Madden, WC McDowell International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |
Finding self among others: Navigating the tensions between personal and social identity FA Gur, BD Mathias Entrepreneurship theory and practice 45 (6), 1463-1495, 2021 | 35 | 2021 |
Lojistik master planı ve bir lojistik üs olarak Türkiye S Kutlu, FA Gür Mevzuat Dergisi 11 (129), 1306-1306, 2008 | 15 | 2008 |
REKLAMIN FİNANSAL GERİ DÖNÜŞÜ VE BİR ÖRNEK OLAY FA Gür, A Bayraktar Öneri Dergisi 9 (35), 127-141, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
KOBİ finansmanında Basel II uygulamalarının olası etkileri: Gaziantep’te bir uygulama HA Ata, FA Gür, KR Çelik Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 185-199, 2008 | 11 | 2008 |
Management's knowledge filter: entrepreneurship theory and the historic conceptual evolution of opportunism in management studies J Muldoon, JS Bendickson, FA Gur, PJ Murphy Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 29 (3), 402-420, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Executive antecedents of interfirm cooperation FA Gur, JS Bendickson, SJ Solomon Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Çalışma Sermayesi Yönetimi ve Karlılık İlişkisi: İmalat Sektörü Uygulaması, 12 HA Ata, FA Gür, E Yakut Ulusal Finans Sempozyumu, 22-25, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
An empirical model for bank branch planning: the case of a Turkish Bank T Dereli, A Durmusoglu, HA Ata, F Gür Rios International Journal 1, 55-74, 2007 | 5 | 2007 |
Environmentally Conscious Decision-Making In Employee-Owned Ventures MA Yetim, FA Gur Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 13617, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
The Sherifs’ contributions to management research FA Gur, BD McLarty, J Muldoon Journal of Management History 23 (2), 191-216, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
When they are more than just employees: Environmentally conscious decision‐making in employee‐owned organizations MA Yetim, FA Gur Business Strategy and the Environment 33 (4), 2694-2711, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Moving beyond traditional sponsorships: understanding the structure and dynamics of minority equity sponsorship agreements FA Gur, A Bouchet, BR Walkup, JA Jensen Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 37 (9), 1762-1786, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Managers’ interpretations of interorganizational field and relationship characteristics FA Gur, T Greckhamer Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 17552, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Betwixt and Between Competition and Cooperation: Manager Interpretations of Identifying Coopetitors FA Gur, T Greckhamer Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 10667, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
A Set Theoretic Study of Generic Strategies and Firm Performance Differences T Greckhamer, FA Gur Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 15849, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |