Introduction: Why green social work? L Dominelli, BR Nikku, HB Ku The Routledge handbook of green social work, 1-6, 2018 | 1024 | 2018 |
The Routledge handbook of green social work L. Dominelli, B. R. Nikku, H. B. KU London: Routledge, 2018 | 165 | 2018 |
A research report on the education of South Asian ethnic minority groups in Hong Kong HB Ku, KW Chan, KK Sandhu Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Sciences, The …, 2005 | 157 | 2005 |
Moral politics in a south Chinese village: Responsibility, reciprocity, and resistance HB Ku Rowman & Littlefield, 2003 | 115 | 2003 |
优势视角下的农村社会工作 张和清, 杨锡聪, 古学斌 社会学研究 6, 174-176, 2008 | 110 | 2008 |
China’s Soybean Crisis: The Logic of Modernization and Its Discontents H Yan, Y Chen, HB Ku The Journal of Peasant Studies 43 (2), 373-395, 2016 | 100* | 2016 |
What is good action research: Quality choice points with a refreshed urgency H Bradbury, K Glenzer, B Ku, D Columbia, S Kjellström, AO Aragón, ... Action Research 17 (1), 14-18, 2019 | 93 | 2019 |
Body, dress and cultural exclusion: experiences of Pakistani women in ‘global’Hong Kong HB Ku Asian Ethnicity 7 (3), 285-302, 2006 | 92 | 2006 |
Rural revitalization, scholars, and the dynamics of the collective future in China H Yan, KH Bun, X Siyuan The Journal of Peasant Studies 48 (4), 853-874, 2021 | 73 | 2021 |
Making habitable space together with female Chinese immigrants to Hong Kong: An interdisciplinary participatory action research project JY Kwok, HB Ku Action Research 6 (3), 261-283, 2008 | 65 | 2008 |
专业限制与文化识盲: 农村社会工作实践中的文化问题 古学斌, 张和清, 杨锡聪 社会学研究, 2007 | 65* | 2007 |
A research report on the life experiences of Pakistanis in Hong Kong HB Ku, KW Chan, WL Chan, WY Lee Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2003 | 61 | 2003 |
Histological review of demineralized dentin matrix as a carrier of rhBMP-2 IW Um, JK Ku, YK Kim, BK Lee, DH Leem Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews 26 (3), 284-293, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Not only eating together: Space and green social work intervention in a hazard-affected area in Ya’an, Sichuan of China H Bun Ku, L Dominelli British Journal of Social Work 48 (5), 1409-1431, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Searching for a capacity building model in social work education in China HB Ku, SC Yeung, P Sung‐Chan Social Work Education 24 (2), 213-233, 2005 | 47 | 2005 |
Green social work and its implications for social development in China L Dominelli, H Ku China Journal of Social Work 10 (1), 3-22, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
‘Rural–Urban Alliance’as a new model for post-disaster social work intervention in community reconstruction: The case in Sichuan, China HB Ku, YN Ma International Social Work 58 (5), 743-758, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
A research report on the employment of South Asian ethnic minority groups in Hong Kong HB Ku, KW Chan, KK Sandhu Centre for Social Policy Studies, Dept. of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong …, 2006 | 39 | 2006 |
地方国家, 经济干预和农村贫困: 一个中国西南村落的个案分析 古学斌, 张和清, 杨锡聪 社会学研究 2 (79), r88, 2004 | 35 | 2004 |
Dental alloplastic bone substitutes currently available in Korea JK Ku, I Hong, BK Lee, PY Yun, JK Lee Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 45 (2), 51, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |