Effective thermal dynamics following a quantum quench in a spin chain
D Rossini, A Silva, G Mussardo, GE Santoro
Physical review letters 102 (12), 127204, 2009
Decoherence induced by interacting quantum spin baths
D Rossini, T Calarco, V Giovannetti, S Montangero, R Fazio
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (3), 032333, 2007
Mott-insulating and glassy phases of polaritons in 1D arrays of coupled cavities
D Rossini, R Fazio
Physical Review Letters 99 (18), 186401, 2007
Cluster mean-field approach to the steady-state phase diagram of dissipative spin systems
J Jin, A Biella, O Viyuela, L Mazza, J Keeling, R Fazio, D Rossini
Physical Review X 6 (3), 031011, 2016
Photon solid phases in driven arrays of nonlinearly coupled cavities
J Jin, D Rossini, R Fazio, M Leib, MJ Hartmann
Physical review letters 110 (16), 163605, 2013
Quantum advantage in the charging process of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev batteries
D Rossini, GM Andolina, D Rosa, M Carrega, M Polini
Physical Review Letters 125 (23), 236402, 2020
Quantum quenches, thermalization, and many-body localization
E Canovi, D Rossini, R Fazio, GE Santoro, A Silva
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (9), 094431, 2011
Long time dynamics following a quench in an integrable quantum spin chain: Local versus nonlocal operators and effective thermal behavior
D Rossini, S Suzuki, G Mussardo, GE Santoro, A Silva
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (14), 144302, 2010
Phase diagram of the extended Bose–Hubbard model
D Rossini, R Fazio
New Journal of Physics 14 (6), 065012, 2012
From perfect to fractal transmission in spin chains
G De Chiara, D Rossini, S Montangero, R Fazio
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (1), 012323, 2005
Many-body localized quantum batteries
D Rossini, GM Andolina, M Polini
Physical Review B 100 (11), 115142, 2019
Phase diagram of spin-1 bosons on one-dimensional lattices
M Rizzi, D Rossini, G De Chiara, S Montangero, R Fazio
Physical review letters 95 (24), 240404, 2005
Charge and spin transport in strongly correlated one-dimensional quantum systems driven far from equilibrium
G Benenti, G Casati, T Prosen, D Rossini, M Žnidarič
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (3), 035110, 2009
Local quantum thermal susceptibility
A De Pasquale, D Rossini, R Fazio, V Giovannetti
Nature communications 7 (1), 12782, 2016
Density matrix renormalization group for dummies
G De Chiara, M Rizzi, D Rossini, S Montangero
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 5 (7), 1277-1288, 2008
Optimal persistent currents for interacting bosons on a ring with a gauge field
M Cominotti, D Rossini, M Rizzi, F Hekking, A Minguzzi
Physical review letters 113 (2), 025301, 2014
Localized majorana-like modes in a number-conserving setting: An exactly solvable model
F Iemini, L Mazza, D Rossini, R Fazio, S Diehl
Physical review letters 115 (15), 156402, 2015
Principles of quantum computation and information: a comprehensive textbook
G Benenti, G Casati, D Rossini, G Strini
Laughlin-like states in bosonic and fermionic atomic synthetic ladders
M Calvanese Strinati, E Cornfeld, D Rossini, S Barbarino, M Dalmonte, ...
Physical Review X 7 (2), 021033, 2017
Coherent superposition of current flows in an atomtronic quantum interference device
D Aghamalyan, M Cominotti, M Rizzi, D Rossini, F Hekking, A Minguzzi, ...
New journal of Physics 17 (4), 045023, 2015
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