Alireza Nazarian
Alireza Nazarian
Reader in Management, PhD Admission Coordinator at University of westminster
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Influence of national culture and balanced organizational culture on the hotel industry’s performance
A Nazarian, P Atkinson, P Foroudi
International Journal of Hospitality Management 63, 22-32, 2017
Digital technology and marketing management capability: achieving growth in SMEs
P Foroudi, S Gupta, A Nazarian, M Duda
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 20 (2), 230-246, 2017
How corporate social responsibility contributes to strengthening brand loyalty, hotel positioning and intention to revisit?
M Akbari, A Nazarian, P Foroudi, N Seyyed Amiri, E Ezatabadipoor
Current Issues in Tourism 24 (13), 1897-1917, 2021
Co-creating brand image and reputation through stakeholder’s social network
P Foroudi, A Nazarian, S Ziyadin, P Kitchen, K Hafeez, C Priporas, ...
Journal of Business Research 114, 42-59, 2020
Inherited organisational performance? The perceptions of generation Y on the influence of leadership styles
A Nazarian, A Soares, B Lottermoser
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 38 (7), 2017
Museum visitors’ heterogeneity and experience processing
JL Ruiz-Alba, A Nazarian, MA Rodríguez-Molina, L Andreud
International Journal of Hospitality Management 78, 131-141, 2019
Digital platforms: customer satisfaction, eWOM and the moderating role of perceived technological innovativeness
J Ruiz-Alba, M Abou-Foul, A Nazarian, P Foroudi
Information Technolgy & People, https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-07-2021-0572, 2022
Attaining organizational agility through competitive intelligence: the roles of strategic flexibility and organizational innovation
P Atkinson, M Hizaji, A Nazarian, A Abasi
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 10.1080/14783363.2020.1842188, 2022
Leaders or organisations? A comparison study of factors affecting organisational citizenship behaviour in independent hotels
A Nazarian, P Atkinson, P Foroudi, D Edirisinghe
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2020
Factors Affecting Organizational Effectiveness in Independent Hotels–the case of Iran
A Nazarian, P Atkinson, P Foroudi, D Edirisinghe
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 46 (March 2021), 293-303, 2021
The Relationship between National Culture and Organisational Culture: The Case of Iranian Private Sector Organisations
A Nazarian, Z Irani, M Ali
Journal of Economics, Business and Management 1 (1), 11-16, 2013
Cultural perceptions of ethical leadership and its effect on intention to leave in the independent hotel industry
A Nazarian, E Zaeri, P Foroudi, AR Afrouzi, P Atkinson
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2022
The Relationship between National Culture and Organisational Culture: Case of Medium and Large Size Organisations in Iran
A Nazarian, P Atkinson, L Greaves
Journal of the Macrotheme Review, 3 (6), 66-77, 2014
Finding the right management approach in independent hotels
A Nazarian, P Atkinson, P Foroudi, KA Dennis
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 31 (7), 2862-2883, 2019
Understanding Destination Brand Love using Machine Learning and Content Analysis method
N Seyyedamiri, A Hamedanian Pour, E Zaeri, A Nazarian
Current Issues in Tourism, 2021
Impact of Culture on Leadership Style: The Case of Iranian Organisations
P Nazarian, Alireza and Atkinson
World Applied Sciences Journal 28 (6), 770-777, 2013
Establishing psychological relationship between female customers and retailers: A study of the small-to medium-scale clothing retail industry
D Edirisinghe, A Nazarian, P Foroudi, A Lindridge
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 23 (3), 471-501, 2020
The mediating influence of leadership style and moderating impact of national culture and organisational size on the culture-effectiveness relationship: the case of Iran
A Nazarian
PhD Thesis, 2013
Organizational justice in the hotel industry: revisiting GLOBE from a national culture perspective
A Nazarian, R Velayati, P Foroudi, D Edirisinghe, P Atkinson
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021
Working together: Factors affecting the relationship between leadership and job satisfaction in Iranian HR departments
A Nazarian, P Atkinson, P Foroudi, A Soares
Journal of General Management 46 (3), 229-245, 2021
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