Hao XU
Hao XU
Потвърден имейл адрес: cqu.edu.cn
Recent advances in researches on vehicle scanning method for bridges
ZL Wang, JP Yang, K Shi, H Xu, FQ Qiu, YB Yang
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 22 (15), 2230005, 2022
State-of-the-art of vehicle-based methods for detecting various properties of highway bridges and railway tracks
YB Yang, ZL Wang, K Shi, H Xu, YT Wu
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 20 (13), 2041004, 2020
Measuring bridge frequencies by a test vehicle in non-moving and moving states
YB Yang, H Xu, B Zhang, F Xiong, ZL Wang
Engineering Structures 203, 109859, 2020
Two-axle test vehicle for bridges: Theory and applications
YB Yang, B Zhang, T Wang, H Xu, Y Wu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 152, 51-62, 2019
Using a single-DOF test vehicle to simultaneously retrieve the first few frequencies and damping ratios of the bridge
YB Yang, K Shi, ZL Wang, H Xu, B Zhang, YT Wu
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 21 (08), 2150108, 2021
Damped test vehicle for scanning bridge frequencies: Theory, simulation and experiment
H Xu, CC Huang, ZL Wang, K Shi, YT Wu, YB Yang
Journal of Sound and Vibration 506, 116155, 2021
Using vehicle–bridge contact spectra and residue to scan bridge's modal properties with vehicle frequencies and road roughness eliminated
YB Yang, H Xu, ZL Wang, K Shi
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 29 (8), e2968, 2022
A novel frequency-free movable test vehicle for retrieving modal parameters of bridges: Theory and experiment
YB Yang, Z Li, ZL Wang, K Shi, H Xu, FQ Qiu, JF Zhu
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 170, 108854, 2022
An effective procedure for extracting the first few bridge frequencies from a test vehicle
YB Yang, H Xu, XQ Mo, ZL Wang, YT Wu
Acta Mechanica 232, 1227-1251, 2021
Refined detection technique for bridge frequencies using rocking motion of single-axle moving vehicle
YB Yang, H Xu, ZL Wang, K Shi, YT Wu
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 162, 107992, 2022
Extraction of bridge frequencies inclusive of the higher modes by the ESMD using the contact-point response
YB Yang, F Xiong, ZL Wang, H Xu
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 20 (04), 2050045, 2020
General contact response of single-axle two-mass test vehicles for scanning bridge frequencies considering suspension effect
H Xu, YH Liu, ZL Wang, K Shi, B Zhang, YB Yang
Engineering Structures 270, 114880, 2022
Two-axle test vehicle for damage detection for railway tracks modeled as simply supported beams with elastic foundation
YB Yang, ZL Wang, K Shi, H Xu, XQ Mo, YT Wu
Engineering Structures 219, 110908, 2020
Scanning torsional-flexural frequencies of thin-walled box girders with rough surface from vehicles’ residual contact response: Theoretical study
YB Yang, XQ Mo, K Shi, ZL Wang, H Xu, YT Wu
Thin-Walled Structures 169, 108332, 2021
Bridge surface roughness identified from the displacement influence lines of the contact points by two connected vehicles
YB Yang, BQ Wang, ZL Wang, K Shi, H Xu, B Zhang, YT Wu
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 20 (14), 2043003, 2020
Adaptive amplifier for a test vehicle moving over bridges: theoretical study
YB Yang, ZL Wang, K Shi, H Xu, JP Yang
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 21 (03), 2150042, 2021
Track modulus detection by vehicle scanning method
YB Yang, ZL Wang, BQ Wang, H Xu
Acta Mechanica 231, 2955-2978, 2020
Furthering extraction of torsional–flexural frequencies for thin-wall beams from the rocking motion of a two-wheel test vehicle
K Shi, XQ Mo, H Xu, ZL Wang, XS Hu, YB Yang
Thin-Walled Structures 175, 109224, 2022
Scanning and separating vertical and torsional–flexural frequencies of thin-walled girder bridges by a single-axle test vehicle
H Xu, YH Liu, M Yang, DS Yang, YB Yang
Thin-Walled Structures 182, 110266, 2023
Scanning of bridge surface roughness from two-axle vehicle response by EKF-UI and contact residual: Theoretical study
YB Yang, B Wang, Z Wang, K Shi, H Xu
Sensors 22 (9), 3410, 2022
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