Samuel Oliveira
Samuel Oliveira
Assistant Professor at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN)
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Genetic circuit design automation with Cello 2.0
TS Jones, SMD Oliveira, CJ Myers, CA Voigt, D Densmore
Nature protocols 17 (4), 1097-1113, 2022
Dissecting the stochastic transcription initiation process in live Escherichia coli
J Lloyd-Price, S Startceva, V Kandavalli, JG Chandraseelan, N Goncalves, ...
DNA Research 23 (3), 203-214, 2016
In vivo kinetics of segregation and polar retention of MS2-GFP-RNA complexes in Escherichia coli
A Gupta, J Lloyd-Price, R Neeli-Venkata, SMD Oliveira, AS Ribeiro
Biophysical journal 106 (9), 1928-1937, 2014
Temperature-Dependent Model of Multi-step Transcription Initiation in Escherichia coli Based on Live Single-Cell Measurements
SMD Oliveira, A Häkkinen, J Lloyd-Price, H Tran, V Kandavalli, ...
PLoS computational biology 12 (10), e1005174, 2016
In vivo single-molecule kinetics of activation and subsequent activity of the arabinose promoter
J Mäkelä, M Kandhavelu, SMD Oliveira, JG Chandraseelan, J Lloyd-Price, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 41 (13), 6544-6552, 2013
Increased cytoplasm viscosity hampers aggregate polar segregation in Escherichia coli
SMD Oliveira, R Neeli‐Venkata, NSM Goncalves, JA Santinha, L Martins, ...
Molecular Microbiology 99 (4), 686-699, 2016
Kinetics of the cellular intake of a gene expression inducer at high concentrations
H Tran, SMD Oliveira, N Goncalves, AS Ribeiro
Molecular Biosystems 11 (9), 2579-2587, 2015
Applications of mesoporous ordered semiconductor materials—case study of TiO2
AEH Machado, KA Borges, TA Silva, LM Santos, MF Borges, ...
Solar Radiation Applications, 2015
Robustness of the division symmetry in Escherichia coli and functional consequences of symmetry breaking
A Gupta, J Lloyd-Price, SMD Oliveira, O Yli-Harja, AB Muthukrishnan, ...
Physical biology 11 (6), 066005, 2014
Incidental inflammatory adenoma with β‐catenin activation in the setting of paediatric NASH
S Oliveira, AK Samba, AJ Towbin, A Gupta, JI Geller, JD Nathan, R Kohli
Pediatric Obesity 13 (1), 70-73, 2018
Effects of temperature on the dynamics of the LacI-TetR-CI repressilator
JG Chandraseelan, SMD Oliveira, A Häkkinen, H Tran, I Potapov, A Sala, ...
Molecular BioSystems 9 (12), 3117-3123, 2013
Hardware, software, and wetware codesign environment for synthetic biology
MD OliveiraSamuel
BioDesign Research, 2022
SCIP: a single-cell image processor toolbox
L Martins, R Neeli-Venkata, SMD Oliveira, A Häkkinen, AS Ribeiro, ...
Bioinformatics 34 (24), 4318-4320, 2018
Estimating RNA numbers in single cells by RNA fluorescent tagging and flow cytometry
MNM Bahrudeen, V Chauhan, CSD Palma, SMD Oliveira, VK Kandavalli, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 166, 105745, 2019
Temperature-dependence of the single-cell variability in the kinetics of transcription activation in Escherichia coli
NSM Goncalves, S Startceva, CSD Palma, MNM Bahrudeen, ...
Physical Biology 15 (2), 026007, 2018
Buildout and integration of an automated high-throughput CLIA laboratory for SARS-CoV-2 testing on a large urban campus
L Landaverde, D McIntyre, J Robson, D Fu, L Ortiz, R Chen, SMD Oliveira, ...
SLAS technology 27 (5), 302-311, 2022
The transcription factor network of E. coli steers global responses to shifts in RNAP concentration
B LB Almeida, MN M. Bahrudeen, V Chauhan, S Dash, V Kandavalli, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 50 (12), 6801-6819, 2022
Detailed overview of the buildout and integration of an automated high-throughput CLIA laboratory for SARS-CoV-2 testing on a large urban campus
L Landaverde, D McIntyre, J Robson, D Fu, L Ortiz, R Chen, SMD Oliveira, ...
medRxiv, 2021.09. 13.21263214, 2021
Single-cell kinetics of a repressilator when implemented in a single-copy plasmid
SMD Oliveira, JG Chandraseelan, A Häkkinen, NSM Goncalves, ...
Molecular BioSystems 11 (7), 1939-1945, 2015
Chromosome and plasmid-borne PLacO3O1 promoters differ in sensitivity to critically low temperatures
SMD Oliveira, NSM Goncalves, VK Kandavalli, L Martins, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 4486, 2019
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