Matthew Keefer
Matthew Keefer
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Homing and straying by anadromous salmonids: a review of mechanisms and rates
ML Keefer, CC Caudill
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries 24, 333-368, 2014
Behavioral thermoregulation and slowed migration by adult fall Chinook salmon in response to high Columbia River water temperatures
TM Goniea, ML Keefer, TC Bjornn, CA Peery, DH Bennett, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135 (2), 408-419, 2006
Slow dam passage in adult Columbia River salmonids associated with unsuccessful migration: delayed negative effects of passage obstacles or condition-dependent mortality?
CC Caudill, WR Daigle, ML Keefer, CT Boggs, MA Jepson, BJ Burke, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (7), 979-995, 2007
Socioeconomic and institutional dimensions of dam removals: the Wisconsin experience
SM Born, KD Genskow, TL Filbert, N Hernandez-Mora, ML Keefer, ...
Environmental management 22 (3), 359-370, 1998
Hydrosystem, dam, and reservoir passage rates of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake rivers
ML Keefer, CA Peery, TC Bjornn, MA Jepson, LC Stuehrenberg
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133 (6), 1413-1439, 2004
Fallback, reascension, and adjusted fishway escapement estimates for adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Columbia and Snake River dams
CT Boggs, ML Keefer, CA Peery, TC Bjornn, LC Stuehrenberg
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133 (4), 932-949, 2004
Late-season mortality during migration of radio-tagged adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Columbia River
GP Naughton, CC Caudill, ML Keefer, TC Bjornn, LC Stuehrenberg, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62 (1), 30-47, 2005
Temperature‐mediated en route migration mortality and travel rates of endangered Snake River sockeye salmon
ML Keefer, CA Peery, MJ Heinrich
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17 (1), 136-145, 2008
Thermal exposure of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead: Diverse behavioral strategies in a large and warming river system
ML Keefer, TS Clabough, MA Jepson, EL Johnson, CA Peery, CC Caudill
PLoS One 13 (9), e0204274, 2018
Behavioral thermoregulation and associated mortality trade-offs in migrating adult steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): variability among sympatric populations
ML Keefer, CA Peery, B High
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (10), 1734-1747, 2009
Effects of body size and river environment on the upstream migration of adult Pacific lampreys
ML Keefer, ML Moser, CT Boggs, WR Daigle, CA Peery
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (5), 1214-1224, 2009
Stock‐specific migration timing of adult spring–summer Chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin
ML Keefer, CA Peery, MA Jepson, KR Tolotti, TC Bjornn, ...
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24 (4), 1145-1162, 2004
Regurgitation rates of intragastric radio transmitters by adult Chinook salmon and steelhead during upstream migration in the Columbia and Snake rivers
ML Keefer, CA Peery, RR Ringe, TC Bjornn
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24 (1), 47-54, 2004
Prespawn mortality in adult spring Chinook salmon outplanted above barrier dams
ML Keefer, GA Taylor, DF Garletts, GA Gauthier, TM Pierce, CC Caudill
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19 (3), 361-372, 2010
Iteroparity in Columbia River summer-run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): implications for conservation
ML Keefer, RH Wertheimer, AF Evans, CT Boggs, CA Peery
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (12), 2592-2605, 2008
Migration timing of Columbia River spring Chinook salmon: effects of temperature, river discharge, and ocean environment
ML Keefer, CA Peery, CC Caudill
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137 (4), 1120-1133, 2008
Non‐direct homing behaviours by adult Chinook Salmon in a large, multi‐stock river system
ML Keefer, CC Caudill, CA Peery, CT Boggs
Journal of Fish Biology 72 (1), 27-44, 2008
Development of Pacific lamprey fishways at a hydropower dam
ML Moser, ML Keefer, HT Pennington, DA Ogden, JE Simonson
Fisheries Management and Ecology 18 (3), 190-200, 2011
Context-dependent diel behavior of upstream-migrating anadromous fishes
ML Keefer, CC Caudill, CA Peery, ML Moser
Environmental biology of fishes 96, 691-700, 2013
Testing adult Pacific lamprey performance at structural challenges in fishways
ML Keefer, WR Daigle, CA Peery, HT Pennington, SR Lee, ML Moser
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30 (2), 376-385, 2010
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