Hugo Filipe Teixeira Gomes
Hugo Filipe Teixeira Gomes
Потвърден имейл адрес: ipt.pt
Delaying surgery for patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection
Journal of British Surgery 107 (12), e601-e602, 2020
Identification of pigments used in rock art paintings in Gode Roriso-Ethiopia using Micro-Raman spectroscopy
H Gomes, P Rosina, P Holakooei, T Solomon, C Vaccaro
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (11), 4073-4082, 2013
Machine learning risk prediction of mortality for patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2: the COVIDSurg mortality score
British journal of surgery 108 (11), 1274-1292, 2021
Pigment in western Iberian schematic rock art: an analytical approach
H Collado, A Martins, GH Nash, P Rosina, C Vaccaro, L Volpe
Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry 15 (1), 163-175, 2015
Luminescence dating and associated analyses in transition landscapes of the Alto Ribatejo, central Portugal
CI Burbidge, MJ Trindade, MI Dias, L Oosterbeek, C Scarre, P Rosina, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 20, 65-77, 2014
Μicro-Raman spectroscopy for the characterization of rock-art pigments from Abrigo del Águila (Badajoz–Spain)
P Rosina, H Gomes, H Collado, M Nicoli, L Volpe, C Vaccaro
Optics & Laser Technology 102, 274-281, 2018
Benquerencia (La Serena-Spain) rock art: An integrated spectroscopy analysis with FTIR and Raman
P Rosina, H Collado, S Garcês, H Gomes, N Eftekhari, M Nicoli, ...
Heliyon 5 (10), 2019
The Estrela Geopark—From planation surfaces to glacial erosion
G Vieira, E de Castro, H Gomes, F Loureiro, M Fernandes, F Patrocínio, ...
Landscapes and Landforms of Portugal, 341-357, 2020
Dating beeswax pictograms from Gode Roriso in Ethiopia
P Rosina, H Gomes, GH Nash, T Solomon
Journal of archaeological science 49, 206-212, 2014
Pinturas Rupestres: matérias-primas, técnicas e gestão do território Hugo Gomes, Pierluigi Rosina, Andrea Martins, Luiz Oosterbeek
H Gomes, P Rosina, A Martins, L Oosterbeek
Estudos do Quaternário Quaternary Studies, 45-55, 2013
Arqueometria de Pigmentos da Arte Rupestre: Caracterização mineralógica e técnicas de produção na arte esquemática da Península Ibérica ocidental
HFT Gomes
PQDT-Global, 2015
Water resources and tourism development in Estrela geopark territory: Meaning and contributions of fluvial beaches to valorise the destination
G Fernandes, E de Castro, H Gomes
European Countryside 12 (4), 551-567, 2020
Caracterização de pigmentos em Arte Rupestre
P Rosina, H Gomes, A Martins, L Oosterbeek
ARKEOS nº34, Actas do 1º Congresso de Arqueologia do Alto Ribatejo …, 2013
A Proto-História no Concelho de Mação: Novas investigações, novasabordagens, novos dados.
D Delfino, L Oosterbeek, JC Baptista, H Gomes, M Beltrame
Arkeos: perspectivas em diálogo, 181-194, 2013
Pré-História do Alto Ribatejo-breve panorâmica
L Oosterbeek, S Cura, J Carrondo, S Garcês, H Gomes, T Tomé
Zahara 15, 77-88, 2010
Identification of organic binders in pre-historic pigments through multiproxy archaeometric analyses from the Toca do Paraguaio and Boqueirao da Pedra Furada shelters (Serra da …
H Gomes, P Rosina, N Guidon, C Buco, T Santos, L Volpe, C Vaccaro, ...
Rock Art Research: The Journal of the Australian Rock Art Research …, 2019
Dating and Raman spectroscopy of rock art paintings in Ebo, Angola
P Rosina, L Oosterbeek, CP Martins, H Gomes
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 53 (1), 83-97, 2018
Natureza e processamento de pigmentos de pinturas rupestres
H Gomes, P Rosina, L Oosterbeek
Proveniência de materiais geológicos: abordagens sobre o Quaternário de …, 2014
O Património Geológico do Geopark Estrela e a sua valorização
E Castro, F Loureiro, H Gomes, G Vieira
Geopatrimónio–geoconhecimento, geoconservação e geoturismo: experiências em …, 2021
Deploying smart community composting in Estrela UNESCO global geopark: A mobile app approach
J Monteiro, J Barata, H Gomes, E Castro
International Conference on Information Systems Development, 2021
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