Arnold Japutra
Arnold Japutra
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Self-congruence, brand attachment and compulsive buying
A Japutra, Y Ekinci, L Simkin
Journal of Business Research 99, 456-463, 2019
A cross validation of Consumer-Based Brand Equity models: Driving customer equity in retail brands
S Çifci, Y Ekinci, G Whyatt, A Japutra, S Molinillo, H Siala
Journal of Business Research 69 (9), 3740-3747, 2016
Exploring brand attachment, its determinants and outcomes
A Japutra, Y Ekinci, L Simkin
Journal of Strategic Marketing 22 (7), 616-630, 2014
Understanding the drivers of organic foods purchasing of millennials: Evidence from Brazil and Spain
S Molinillo, M Vidal-Branco, A Japutra
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 52, 101926, 2020
Responsible brands vs active brands? An examination of brand personality on brand awareness, brand trust, and brand loyalty
S Molinillo, A Japutra, B Nguyen, CHS Chen
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 35 (2), 166-179, 2017
Responsible and active brand personality: On the relationships with brand experience and key relationship constructs
A Japutra, S Molinillo
Journal of Business Research 99, 464-471, 2019
Positive and negative behaviours resulting from brand attachment: The moderating effects of attachment styles
A Japutra, Y Ekinci, L Simkin
European Journal of Marketing 52 (5/6), 1185-1202, 2018
Organizational adoption of digital information and technology: a theoretical review
S Molinillo, A Japutra
The Bottom Line 30 (01), 33-46, 2017
Assessment of mobile technology use in the emerging market: Analyzing intention to use m-payment services in India
F Liébana-Cabanillas, A Japutra, S Molinillo, N Singh, N Sinha
Telecommunications Policy 44 (9), 102009, 2020
The impact of affective and cognitive app experiences on loyalty towards retailers
S Molinillo, A Navarro-García, R Anaya-Sánchez, A Japutra
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 54, 101948, 2020
The repercussions and challenges of COVID-19 in the hotel industry: Potential strategies from a case study of Indonesia
A Japutra, R Situmorang
International Journal of Hospitality Management 95, 102890, 2021
The effect of consumer-generated media stimuli on emotions and consumer brand engagement
SMC Loureiro, RG Bilro, A Japutra
Journal of Product & Brand Management 29 (3), 387-408, 2020
Friend or Foe? The complex relationship between indigenous people and policymakers regarding rural tourism in Indonesia
R Situmorang, T Trilaksono, A Japutra
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 39, 20-29, 2019
Tie the knot: building stronger consumers’ attachment toward a brand
A Japutra, Y Ekinci, L Simkin
Journal of Strategic Marketing 26 (3), 223-240, 2018
The role of ideal self-congruence and brand attachment in consumers’ negative behaviour: compulsive buying and external trash-talking
A Japutra, Y Ekinci, L Simkin, B Nguyen
European Journal of Marketing 52 (3/4), 683-701, 2018
Building brand credibility: The role of involvement, identification, reputation and attachment
S Molinillo, A Japutra, Y Ekinci
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 64, 102819, 2022
A consumer-based brand performance model for assessing brand success
S Molinillo, Y Ekinci, A Japutra
International Journal of Market Research 61 (1), 93-110, 2019
Influence of customer application experience and value in use on loyalty toward retailers
A Japutra, AF Utami, S Molinillo, IA Ekaputra
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 59, 102390, 2021
Reverse teaching: Exploring student perceptions of “flip teaching”
B Nguyen, X Yu, A Japutra, CHS Chen
Active Learning in Higher Education 17 (1), 51-61, 2016
Travellers' mindsets and theory of planned behaviour
A Japutra, SMC Loureiro, S Molinillo, Y Ekinci
Tourism Management Perspectives 30, 193-196, 2019
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