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Heavy-metal stress induced accumulation of chitinase isoforms in plants
B Békésiová, Š Hraška, J Libantová, J Moravčíková, I Matušíková
Molecular biology reports 35, 579-588, 2008
Tentacles of in vitro-grown round-leaf sundew (Drosera rotundifoliaL.) show induction of chitinase activity upon mimicking the presence of prey
I Matušíková, J Salaj, J Moravčíková, L Mlynarova, JP Nap, J Libantova
Planta 222, 1020-1027, 2005
Biochemical and physiological comparison of heavy metal-triggered defense responses in the monocot maize and dicot soybean roots
B Piršelová, R Kuna, J Libantová, J Moravčíková, I Matušíková
Molecular Biology Reports 38, 3437-3446, 2011
Study on metal-triggered callose deposition in roots of maize and soybean
B Piršelová, V Mistríková, J Libantová, J Moravčíková, I Matušíková
Biologia 67, 698-705, 2012
β-1, 3-glucanase and chitinase activities in winter triticales during cold hardening and subsequent infection by Microdochium nivale
I Żur, G Gołębiowska, E Dubas, E Golemiec, I Matušíková, J Libantová, ...
Biologia 68 (2), 241-248, 2013
Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of economically important oilseed rape cultivars
E Boszoradova, J Libantova, I Matusikova, Z Poloniova, M Jopcik, ...
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 107, 317-323, 2011
Expression of a cucumber class III chitinase and Nicotiana plumbaginifoliaclass I glucanase genes in transgenic potato plants
J Moravčíková, I Matušíková, J Libantova, M Bauer, L Mlynárová
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 79, 161-168, 2004
Feasibility of the seed specific cruciferin C promoter in the self excision Cre/loxP strategy focused on generation of marker-free transgenic plants
J Moravčíková, E Vaculková, M Bauer, J Libantová
Theoretical and applied genetics 117, 1325-1334, 2008
The influence of heat stress on auxin distribution in transgenic B. napus microspores and microspore-derived embryos
E Dubas, J Moravčíková, J Libantová, I Matušíková, E Benková, I Żur, ...
Protoplasma 251, 1077-1087, 2014
Detection of chitinolytic enzymes with different substrate specificity in tissues of intact sundew (Drosera rotundifolia L.) Chitinases in sundew tissues
J Libantová, T Kämäräinen, J Moravčíková, I Matušíková, J Salaj
Molecular Biology Reports 36, 851-856, 2009
Plant chitinase responses to different metal-type stresses reveal specificity
P Mészáros, Ľ Rybanský, N Spieß, P Socha, R Kuna, J Libantová, ...
Plant Cell Reports 33, 1789-1799, 2014
Defense responses of soybean roots during exposure to cadmium, excess of nitrogen supply and combinations of these stressors
Y Konotop, P Mészáros, N Spieß, V Mistríková, B Piršelová, J Libantová, ...
Molecular biology reports 39, 10077-10087, 2012
Expression of Drosera rotundifolia Chitinase in Transgenic Tobacco Plants Enhanced Their Antifungal Potential
D Durechova, M Jopcik, M Rajninec, J Moravcikova, J Libantova
Molecular Biotechnology 61, 916-928, 2019
Variable responses of soybean chitinases to arsenic and cadmium stress at the whole plant level
T Gálusová, Ľ Rybanský, P Mészáros, N Spieß, B Piršelová, R Kuna, ...
Plant Growth Regulation 76, 147-155, 2015
Glucan-rich diet is digested and taken up by the carnivorous sundew (Drosera rotundifolia L.): implication for a novel role of plant β-1,3-glucanases
J Michalko, P Socha, P Mészáros, A Blehová, J Libantová, J Moravčíková, ...
Planta 238, 715-725, 2013
Stress-induced expression of cucumber chitinase and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia β-1,3-glucanase genes in transgenic potato plants
J Moravčíková, J Libantová, J Heldák, J Salaj, M Bauer, I Matušíková, ...
Acta physiologiae plantarum 29, 133-141, 2007
Maternal inheritance of chloroplast DNA in Pinus mugo Turra: a case study of Pinus mugo × Pinus sylvestris crossing
A Kormutak, M Galgoci, D Sukenikova, P Bolecek, J Libantova, D Gőmőry
Plant Systematics and Evolution 304, 71-76, 2018
Cultivar-specific kinetics of chitinase induction in soybean roots during exposure to arsenic
P Mészáros, Ľ Rybanský, P Hauptvogel, R Kuna, J Libantová, ...
Molecular biology reports 40, 2127-2138, 2013
Effects of cadmium and arsenic ions on content of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of Glycine max (L.) Merrill
T Dobroviczká, B Piršelová, P Mészáros, A Blehová, J Libantova, ...
Pak. J. Bot 45 (1), 105, 2013
The promiscuity of heterospecific lox sites increases dramatically in the presence of palindromic DNA
L Mlynárová, J Libantová, L Vrba, JP Nap
Gene 296 (1-2), 129-137, 2002
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