Ahmed Bindajam
Ahmed Bindajam
Associate Professor, Architecture Department,College of Architecture and Planning, King Khalid
Потвърден имейл адрес: kku.edu.sa
Impacts of vegetation and topography on land surface temperature variability over the semi-arid mountain cities of Saudi Arabia
AA Bindajam, J Mallick, S AlQadhi, CK Singh, HT Hang
Atmosphere 11 (7), 762, 2020
Spatial and decadal prediction of land use/land cover using multi-layer perceptron-neural network (MLP-NN) algorithm for a semi-arid region of Asir, Saudi Arabia
S Alqadhi, J Mallick, A Balha, A Bindajam, CK Singh, PV Hoa
Earth Science Informatics 14, 1547-1562, 2021
Forest fire susceptibility mapping with sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using machine learning and deep learning algorithms
M Rihan, AA Bindajam, S Talukdar, MW Naikoo, J Mallick, A Rahman
Advances in Space Research 72 (2), 426-443, 2023
Selecting optimal conditioning parameters for landslide susceptibility: an experimental research on Aqabat Al-Sulbat, Saudi Arabia
S Alqadhi, J Mallick, S Talukdar, AA Bindajam, N Van Hong, TK Saha
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29, 3743-3762, 2022
Response of soil moisture and vegetation conditions in seasonal variation of land surface temperature and surface urban heat island intensity in sub-tropical semi-arid cities
Shahfahad, AA Bindajam, MW Naikoo, JP Horo, J Mallick, M Rihan, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 153 (1), 367-395, 2023
A novel technique for modeling ecosystem health condition: a case study in Saudi Arabia
J Mallick, S AlQadhi, S Talukdar, B Pradhan, AA Bindajam, ARMT Islam, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (13), 2632, 2021
Combining logistic regression-based hybrid optimized machine learning algorithms with sensitivity analysis to achieve robust landslide susceptibility mapping
S Alqadhi, J Mallick, S Talukdar, AA Bindajam, TK Saha, M Ahmed, ...
Geocarto International 37 (25), 9518-9543, 2022
Integration of artificial intelligence–based LULC mapping and prediction for estimating ecosystem services for urban sustainability: past to future perspective
AA Bindajam, J Mallick, S Talukdar, ARMT Islam, S Alqadhi
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-23, 2021
Assessment of coastal vulnerability using integrated fuzzy analytical hierarchy process and geospatial technology for effective coastal management
SH Akash, SK Sarkar, AA Bindajam, R Kumari, S Talukdar, J Mallick
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31 (41), 53749-53766, 2024
Space, movement and heritage planning of the historic cities in Islamic societies: Learning from the Old City of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
M Rashid, AAA Bindajam
urban design International 20, 107-129, 2015
Improvement of flood susceptibility mapping by introducing hybrid ensemble learning algorithms and high-resolution satellite imageries
ARMT Islam, MMR Bappi, S Alqadhi, AA Bindajam, J Mallick, S Talukdar
Natural Hazards 119 (1), 1-37, 2023
Impact of the spatial configuration of streets networks on urban growth: A case study of Abha City, Saudi Arabia
AA Bindajam, J Mallick
Sustainability 12 (5), 1856, 2020
Modeling the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of land surface temperature and its relationship with land use land cover using geo-statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms
AA Bindajam, J Mallick, S Talukdar, Shahfahad, AAA Shohan, A Rahman
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (49), 106917-106935, 2023
Solar gain influence on the thermal and energy performance of existing mosque buildings in the hot-arid climate of Riyadh city
AAA Shohan, H Al-Khatri, AA Bindajam, MB Gadi
Sustainability 13 (6), 3332, 2021
Exploring forest fire susceptibility and management strategies in Western Himalaya: Integrating ensemble machine learning and explainable AI for accurate prediction and …
HT Hang, J Mallick, S Alqadhi, AA Bindajam, HG Abdo
Environmental Technology & Innovation 35, 103655, 2024
GIS-based multi-criteria decision making for delineation of potential groundwater recharge zones for sustainable resource management in the Eastern Mediterranean: A case study
HG Abdo, DK Vishwakarma, K Alsafadi, AA Bindajam, J Mallick, ...
Applied Water Science 14 (7), 160, 2024
A comparison of four land surface temperature retrieval method using TERRA-ASTER satellite images in the semi-arid region of Saudi Arabia
J Mallick, AA Bindajam, S AlQadhi, M Ahmed, HT Hang, NV Thanh
Geocarto International 37 (6), 1757-1781, 2022
Assessing landscape fragmentation due to urbanization in English Bazar Municipality, Malda, India, using landscape metrics
AA Bindajam, J Mallick, HT Hang
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (26), 68716-68731, 2023
Quantification of urban sprawl for past-to-future in Abha City, Saudi Arabia
S AlQadhi, J Mallick, S Talukdar, AA Bindajam, AAA Shohan, Shahfahad
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 129 (2), 755-786, 2021
Assessing landscape fragmentation effects on ecosystem services in a semi-arid mountainous environment: A case study on abha watershed, saudi arabia
AA Bindajam, J Mallick, S Mahato, S Talukdar, S Alquadhi
Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res 19 (3), 2519-2539, 2021
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