Marija Malnar
Marija Malnar
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade
Потвърден имейл адрес: sf.bg.ac.rs
Novel ETX-Based Metrics for Overhead Reduction in Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks
MM Nenad Jevtic
IEEE Access, 116490 - 116504, 2019
An improvement of AODV protocol for the overhead reduction in scalable dynamic wireless ad hoc networks
NJ Marija Malnar
Wireless networks, 2022
Implementation of ETX Metric within the AODV Protocol in the NS-3 Simulator
MM Nenad Jevtic
Telfor Journal 10 (1), 20-25, 2018
Comparison of ETX and HOP count metrics using Glomosim simulator
MZ Malnar, NJ Nesković
2009 9th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite …, 2009
Novel power-based routing metrics for multi-channel multi-interface wireless mesh networks
M Malnar, N Neskovic, A Neskovic
Wireless networks 20, 41-51, 2014
A framework for performance evaluation of VANETs using NS-3 simulator
M Malnar, N Jevtić
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 32 (2), 255-268, 2020
The NS-3 simulator implementation of ETX metric within AODV protocol
NJ Jevtic, MZ Malnar
2017 25th Telecommunication Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2017
A new quality of service aware multi-channel multi-interface link layer protocol for wireless mesh networks
M Malnar, N Neskovic, A Neskovic
Wireless Networks 21, 727-738, 2015
Modifications of AODV protocol for VANETs: performance analysis in NS-3 simulator
PD Bugarcic, MZ Malnar, NJ Jevtic
2019 27th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2019
Reinforcement Learning-Based Routing Protocols in Vehicular and Flying Ad Hoc Networks – A Literature Survey
MM Pavle Bugarcic, Nenad Jevtic
Promet-Traffic & Transportation 34 (6), 893-906, 2022
An extension of building model for indoor communication in NS-3 simulator
PD Bugarcic, NJ Jevtic, MZ Malnar
2021 29th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2021
Performance analysis of MANET networks based on AODV protocol in NS-3 simulator
PD Bugarčić, MZ Malnar, NJ Jevtić
2018 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2018
An extension of NS-3 simulator to support efficient MANET performance analysis
PD Bugarcic, NJ Jevtic, MZ Malnar
2019 14th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and …, 2019
Novel Multi-room Multi-obstacle Indoor Propagation Model for Wireless Networks
M Malnar, N Jevtic
Wireless Personal Communications 102 (1), 583-597, 2018
An analysis of performances of multi channel routing protocol based on different link quality metrics
MZ Malnar, NJ Neskovic
2011 10th international conference on telecommunication in modern satellite …, 2011
Weather-Based Nonlinear Regressions for Digital TV Received Signal Strength Prediction
M Stefanovic, I., Malnar, M., Mladenovic, S., & Nesic
Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika 30 (2), 80-87, 2024
Analiza ETX metrike u realnom propagacionom okruženju mesh mreže
N Nešković, A Nešković, M Malnar
Zbornik radova sa konferencije Postel, 267-276, 2009
Primena učenja potkrepljivanjem u protokolima rutiranja za dinamičke bežične ad hoc mreže
N Jevtić, M Malnar, P Bugarčić
XXXIX Simpozijum o novim tehnologijama u poštanskom i telekomunikacionom …, 2021
Optimization of routing protocols and metrics for multi-channel multi-interface wireless mesh networks
AN Marija Malnar, Natasa Neskovic
Telfor 2015, 153 - 160, 2015
Survey of routing metrics for multi channel multi interface wireless mesh networks
MZ Malnar, NJ Neskovic
Vojnotehnički glasnik 63 (3), 42-62, 2015
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