Satoshi NAKABA
Satoshi NAKABA
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Regulation of cambial activity in relation to environmental conditions: understanding the role of temperature in wood formation of trees
S Begum, S Nakaba, Y Yamagishi, Y Oribe, R Funada
Physiologia plantarum 147 (1), 46-54, 2013
Induction of Cambial Reactivation by Localized Heating in a Deciduous Hardwood Hybrid Poplar (Populus sieboldii × P. grandidentata)
S Begum, S Nakaba, Y Oribe, T Kubo, R Funada
Annals of botany 100 (3), 439-447, 2007
Climate change and the regulation of wood formation in trees by temperature
S Begum, K Kudo, MH Rahman, S Nakaba, Y Yamagishi, E Nabeshima, ...
Trees 32, 3-15, 2018
Increased lodging resistance in long-culm, low-lignin gh2 rice for improved feed and bioenergy production
T Ookawa, K Inoue, M Matsuoka, T Ebitani, T Takarada, T Yamamoto, ...
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 6567, 2014
Cambial sensitivity to rising temperatures by natural condition and artificial heating from late winter to early spring in the evergreen conifer Cryptomeria japonica
S Begum, S Nakaba, Y Oribe, T Kubo, R Funada
Trees 24, 43-52, 2010
Radial variations in the anatomical characteristics and density of the wood of Acacia mangium of five different provenances in Indonesia
WD Nugroho, SN Marsoem, K Yasue, T Fujiwara, T Nakajima, ...
Journal of Wood Science 58, 185-194, 2012
The positional distribution of cell death of ray parenchyma in a conifer, Abies sachalinensis
S Nakaba, Y Sano, T Kubo, R Funada
Plant Cell Reports 25, 1143-1148, 2006
Temperature responses of cambial reactivation and xylem differentiation in hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii × P. grandidentata) under natural conditions
S Begum, S Nakaba, V Bayramzadeh, Y Oribe, T Kubo, R Funada
Tree Physiology 28 (12), 1813-1819, 2008
Gibberellin-induced formation of tension wood in angiosperm trees
R Funada, T Miura, Y Shimizu, T Kinase, S Nakaba, T Kubo, Y Sano
Planta 227, 1409-1414, 2008
Differences in patterns of cell death between ray parenchyma cells and ray tracheids in the conifers Pinus densiflora and Pinus rigida
S Nakaba, T Kubo, R Funada
Trees 22, 623-630, 2008
A rapid decrease in temperature induces latewood formation in artificially reactivated cambium of conifer stems
S Begum, S Nakaba, Y Yamagishi, K Yamane, MA Islam, Y Oribe, JH Ko, ...
Annals of botany 110 (4), 875-885, 2012
Direct fluorescence imaging of lignocellulosic and suberized cell walls in roots and stems
P Kitin, S Nakaba, CG Hunt, S Lim, R Funada
AoB Plants 12 (4), plaa032, 2020
The effects of localized heating and disbudding on cambial reactivation and formation of earlywood vessels in seedlings of the deciduous ring-porous hardwood, Quercus serrata
K Kudo, E Nabeshima, S Begum, Y Yamagishi, S Nakaba, Y Oribe, ...
Annals of botany 113 (6), 1021-1027, 2014
Changes in the localization and levels of starch and lipids in cambium and phloem during cambial reactivation by artificial heating of main stems of Cryptomeria japonica trees
S Begum, S Nakaba, Y Oribe, T Kubo, R Funada
Annals of Botany 106 (6), 885-895, 2010
Isolation of a novel cell wall architecture mutant of rice with defective Arabidopsis COBL4 ortholog BC1 required for regulated deposition of secondary cell wall …
K Sato, R Suzuki, N Nishikubo, S Takenouchi, S Ito, Y Nakano, S Nakaba, ...
Planta 232, 257-270, 2010
Gibberellin is required for the formation of tension wood and stem gravitropism in Acacia mangium seedlings
WD Nugroho, Y Yamagishi, S Nakaba, S Fukuhara, S Begum, ...
Annals of Botany 110 (4), 887-895, 2012
Differences in the timing of cell death, differentiation and function among three different types of ray parenchyma cells in the hardwood Populus sieboldii× P. grandidentata
S Nakaba, S Begum, Y Yamagishi, HO Jin, T Kubo, R Funada
Trees 26, 743-750, 2012
Localized cooling of stems induces latewood formation and cambial dormancy during seasons of active cambium in conifers
S Begum, K Kudo, Y Matsuoka, S Nakaba, Y Yamagishi, E Nabeshima, ...
Annals of Botany 117 (3), 465-477, 2016
Xylogenesis in trees: from cambial cell division to cell death
R Funada, Y Yamagishi, S Begum, K Kudo, E Nabeshima, WD Nugroho, ...
Secondary xylem biology, 25-43, 2016
Secondary Xylem Biology
R Funada, Y Yamagishi, S Begum, K Kudo, E Nabeshima, WD Nugroho, ...
Academic Press, 2016
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