Gyoo Gun Lim
Gyoo Gun Lim
Потвърден имейл адрес: hanyang.ac.kr
The impact of partnership attributes on EDI implementation success
S Lee, GG Lim
Information & Management 41 (2), 135-148, 2003
Using balanced scorecards for the evaluation of “Software-as-a-service”
S Lee, SB Park, GG Lim
Information & Management 50 (7), 553-561, 2013
Examining success factors in the adoption of digital object identifier systems
S Park, H Zo, AP Ciganek, GG Lim
Electronic commerce research and applications 10 (6), 626-636, 2011
User evaluations of tax filing web sites: A comparative study of South Korea and Turkey
K Chang Lee, M Kirlidog, S Lee, G Gun Lim
Online information review 32 (6), 842-859, 2008
Design and validation of the bright internet
JK Lee, D Cho, GG Lim
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 19 (2), 3, 2018
일반영향요인과 댓글기반 콘텐츠 네트워크 분석을 통합한 유튜브 (Youtube) 상의 콘텐츠 확산 영향요인 연구
박병언, 임규건
지능정보연구 21 (3), 19-36, 2015
International dynamic marketing capabilities of emerging-market small business on e-commerce
K Kim, G Lim
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 17 (1), 199-211, 2022
Buyer-carts for B2B EC: The b-cart approach
GG Lim, JK Lee
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 13 (3-4), 289-308, 2003
Analysis of news agenda using text mining and semantic network analysis: focused on COVID-19 emotions
S Yoo, G Lim
Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems 27 (1), 47-64, 2021
Exploring Social Impact of AI
SI Baek, GG Lim, DS Yu
Information Policy 23 (4), 3-23, 2016
An exploratory study of the weather and calendar effects on tourism web site usage
G Gun Lim, D Hyun Kim, M Choi, JH Choi, K Chang Lee
Online Information Review 34 (1), 127-144, 2010
인공지능과 사회의 변화
백승익, 임규건, 여등승
정보화정책 23 (4), 3-23, 2016
Rule-based personalized comparison shopping including delivery cost
GG Lim, JY Kang, JK Lee, DC Lee
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 10 (6), 637-649, 2011
Public e-procurement: the Korean on-line e-procurement system (KONEPS)
GG Lim, RB Kim, HB Lee
3rd International Public Procurement Conference Proceedings, 743-759, 2008
A Study on the Impact Factors of Contents Diffusion in Youtube using Integrated Content Network Analysis
BY Park, GG Lim
지능정보연구 21 (3), 19-36, 2015
e-Government Case: The Korean Government’s E-Procurement System (GePS)
GG Lim, JY Lee
proc. Of NCEC, 204-211, 2006
키워드 검색 광고 운영 DB 데이터 분석을 통한 CPM 와 CPC 방식의 광고효과 연구
김도연, 임규건, 이대철
한국전자거래학회지 16 (4), 139-154, 2011
A study on the revitalization of tourism industry through big data analysis
J Lee, M Liu, GG Lim
Journal of Intelligence and information systems 24 (2), 149-169, 2018
A Study on the Damage Cost Estimation Model for Personal Information Leakage in Korea
GG Lim, MN Liu, JM Lee
Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology 28 (1 …, 2018
A study on the Critical Success Factors of social Commerce through the Analysis of the Perception Gap between the Service Providers and the Users: Focused on Ticket Monster in …
IJ Kim, DC Lee, GG Lim
Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 24 (2), 2014
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