Medicaid expansion and racial and ethnic disparities in access to health care: applying the National Academy of Medicine definition of health care disparities H Lee, D Hodgkin, MP Johnson, FW Porell INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing …, 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
Housing and community development MP Johnson Jr Wiley encyclopedia of operations research and management science, 2010 | 16 | 2010 |
mSphere of Influence: Hiring of underrepresented minority assistant professors in medical school basic science departments has a long way to go. mSphere 4: e00599-19 M Johnson | 7 | 2019 |
Decision models for housing and community development MP Johnson Jr Encyclopedia of Housing, Second Edition (under review), 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Models, Methods, and Applications for Innovative Decision Making MP Johnson, B Norman, N Secomandi, P Gray, HJ Greenberg INFORMS, 2006 | 3 | 2006 |
Retention and success of underrepresented minorities in STEM at University of Massachusetts Boston: a pilot study of the impact of freshman success communities MP Johnson, A Sangang, L Mickle | 1 | 2021 |
Community-Based participatory research through the lens of decision science MP Johnson Jr | 1 | 2018 |
Absence of spliceosomal introns in the mixotrophic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum: how did they disappear? NM Shaikhutdinov, BKB Seah, C Emmerich, HV Moeller, C Paight, ... | | 2023 |
How can school districts in shrinking regions remake themselves to support their communities? Policy and operations analysis for a Massachusetts school district MP Johnson Jr | | 2017 |
Course Syllabus: PPOL-G 741L Urban Housing Policy MP Johnson Jr | | 2016 |
Course Syllabus: PPOL-G 742 Community-Based Operations Research MP Johnson Jr | | 2016 |
Practicum 2012-2013: LIFT Boston Client Well Being Study L Kalimon, B Usidame, R Kling, R McLane, R Whalen, AM Sanchez, ... | | 2013 |
Community-Based Analytics: Big Data and Decision Making for Community-Based Organizations MP Johnson | | 2013 |
Uplifting: Improvements in Boston Area Client Well-Being R Kling, L Kalimon, T Stepasiuk, B Usidame, R McLane, R Whalen, ... | | 2013 |
Community-Engaged Decision Support for Foreclosed Housing Acquisition and Redevelopment in Boston MP Johnson Jr | | 2012 |
Course Syllabus: PPOL-G 780/781: Policy Planning and Program Development (Practicum) I & II MP Johnson Jr | | 2012 |
Community-Based Operations Research: Decision Modeling for Local Impact and Diverse Populations (in press) MP Johnson Jr | | 2011 |
Decision Models for Foreclosed Housing Acquisition and Redevelopment: A University of Massachusetts Multi-Campus Collaborative Project-Processes and Findings to Date MP Johnson Jr, J Keisler, S Solak, D Turcotte, RB Drew, A Bayram, ... | | 2010 |
Housing and Sustainable Community Development: Enhancing Minority Home Ownership, Volume One MP Johnson Jr, HL White | | |
Decision Modeling for Housing and Community Development: A Methodology for Evidence-Based Urban and Regional Planning MP Johnson Jr | | |