Dongdong Shao
Mixing and boundary interactions of 30 and 45 inclined dense jets
D Shao, AWK Law
Environmental fluid mechanics 10, 521-553, 2010
Competitive ability, stress tolerance and plant interactions along stress gradients
M Qi, T Sun, SF Xue, W Yang, DD Shao, J Martínez‐López
Ecology 99 (4), 848-857, 2018
A Review on Mariculture Effluent: Characterization and Management Tools
X Wang, A Cuthbertson, C Gualtieri, D Shao
Water 12 (11), 2991, 2020
Effects of Dam Regulation on the Hydrological Alteration and Morphological Evolution of the Volta River Delta
M Amenuvor, W Gao, D Li, D Shao
Water 12 (3), 646, 2020
Combined Effects of Unsteady River Discharges and Wave Conditions on River Mouth Bar Morphodynamics
W Gao, D Shao, ZB Wang, W Nardin, W Yang, T Sun, B Cui
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (23), 12,903-12,911, 2018
Impact of land reclamation on the evolution of shoreline change and nearshore vegetation distribution in Yangtze River Estuary
MS Zhu, T Sun, DD Shao
Wetlands 36, 11-17, 2016
Boundary impingement and attachment of horizontal offset dense jets
D Shao, AWK Law
Journal of Hydro-environment Research 5 (1), 15-24, 2011
Marine ecological and environmental health assessment using the pressure-state-response framework at different spatial scales, China
W Yang, Z Zhang, T Sun, H Liu, D Shao
Ecological Indicators 121, 106965, 2021
Monitoring the Characteristics of the Bohai Sea Ice Using High-Resolution Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Data
Y Yan, K Huang, D Shao, Y Xu, W Gu
Sustainability 11 (3), 777, 2019
Productivity of invasive saltmarsh plant Spartina alterniflora along the coast of China: A meta-analysis
S Zheng, D Shao, T Sun
Ecological Engineering 117, 104-110, 2018
Effect of air release height on the formation of sediment thermals in water
B Zhao, AWK Law, E Eric Adams, D Shao, Z Huang
Journal of Hydraulic Research 50 (5), 532-540, 2012
Flow patterns and mixing characteristics of horizontal buoyant jets at low and moderate Reynolds numbers
D Shao, D Huang, B Jiang, AWK Law
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105, 831-846, 2017
Turbulent mass and momentum transport of a circular offset dense jet
D Shao, AWK Law
Journal of Turbulence, N40, 2009
Salt marsh vegetation distribution patterns along groundwater table and salinity gradients in yellow river estuary under the influence of land reclamation
Y Feng, T Sun, MS Zhu, M Qi, W Yang, DD Shao
Ecological Indicators 92, 82-90, 2018
Assessing ‘coastal squeeze’of wetlands at the Yellow River Delta in China: A case study
S Luo, D Shao, W Long, Y Liu, T Sun, B Cui
Ocean & Coastal Management 153, 193-202, 2018
Fuzzy logic method for evaluating habitat suitability in an estuary affected by land reclamation
H Zhang, T Sun, D Shao, W Yang
Wetlands 36, 19-30, 2016
Suitable habitat mapping in the Yangtze River Estuary influenced by land reclamations
SF Xue, T Sun, H Zhang, D Shao
Ecological Engineering 97, 64-73, 2016
Modelling long‐distance floating seed dispersal in salt marsh tidal channels
W Shi, D Shao, C Gualtieri, A Purnama, B Cui
Ecohydrology 13 (1), e2157, 2020
Maintenance of salt barrens inhibited landward invasion of Spartina species in salt marshes
M Qi, T Sun, H Zhang, M Zhu, W Yang, D Shao, A Voinov
Ecosphere 8 (10), e01982, 2017
Desalination discharge in shallow coastal waters
D Shao
Nanyang Technological University, 2010
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