Milan Holec
Milan Holec
Потвърден имейл адрес: llnl.gov
P3: An installation for high-energy density plasma physics and ultra-high intensity laser–matter interaction at ELI-Beamlines
S Weber, S Bechet, S Borneis, L Brabec, M Bučka, E Chacon-Golcher, ...
Matter and Radiation at Extremes 2 (4), 149-176, 2017
Measurement of preheat due to nonlocal electron transport in warm dense matter
K Falk, M Holec, CJ Fontes, CL Fryer, CW Greeff, HM Johns, ...
Physical Review Letters 120 (2), 025002, 2018
Nonlocal transport hydrodynamic model for laser heated plasmas
M Holec, J Nikl, S Weber
Physics of Plasmas 25 (3), 2018
A quadratic programming flux correction method for high-order DG discretizations of SN transport
BC Yee, SS Olivier, TS Haut, M Holec, VZ Tomov, PG Maginot
Journal of Computational Physics 419, 109696, 2020
Diffusion synthetic acceleration for heterogeneous domains, compatible with voids
BS Southworth, M Holec, TS Haut
Nuclear Science and Engineering 195 (2), 119-136, 2021
Macroscopic laser–plasma interaction under strong non-local transport conditions for coupled matter and radiation
J Nikl, M Holec, M Zeman, M Kuchařík, J Limpouch, S Weber
Matter and Radiation at Extremes 3 (3), 110-126, 2018
High‐order discontinuous Galerkin nonlocal transport and energy equations scheme for radiation hydrodynamics
M Holec, J Limpouch, R Liska, S Weber
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 83 (10), 779-797, 2017
The effect of pre-plasma formation under nonlocal transport conditions for ultra-relativistic laser-plasma interaction
M Holec, J Nikl, M Vranic, S Weber
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 (4), 044019, 2018
HerEOS: A framework for consistent treatment of the Equation of State in ALE hydrodynamics
M Zeman, M Holec, P Váchal
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 78 (2), 483-503, 2019
Curvilinear high-order Lagrangian hydrodynamic code for the laser-target interaction
J Nikl, M Kuchařík, M Holec, S Weber
Europhysics Conference Abstracts–45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 42, P1, 2018
Phase imaging of irradiated foils at the OMEGA EP facility using phase-stepping X-ray Talbot–Lau deflectometry
G Perez-Callejo, V Bouffetier, L Ceurvorst, T Goudal, SR Klein, ...
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 11, e49, 2023
Matter Radiat
S Weber, S Bechet, S Borneis, L Brabec, M Bučka, E Chacon-Golcher, ...
Extremes 2, 149, 2017
A new scheme for solving high-order DG discretizations of thermal radiative transfer using the variable Eddington factor method
BC Yee, SS Olivier, BS Southworth, M Holec, TS Haut
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.07826, 2021
Mesh refinement for anisotropic diffusion in magnetized plasmas
CJ Vogl, I Joseph, M Holec
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 145, 159-174, 2023
The effect of pre-plasma formed under the nonlocal transport conditions on the interaction of the ultrahigh intensity laser with a solid target
J Nikl, M Jirka, M Kuchařík, M Holec, M Vranić, S Weber
Research Using Extreme Light: Entering New Frontiers with Petawatt-Class …, 2019
AWBS kinetic modeling of electrons with nonlocal Ohms law in plasmas relevant to inertial confinement fusion
M Holec, P Loiseau, A Debayle, JP Brodrick, D Del Sorbo, CP Ridgers, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.11378, 2018
Experimental observation of elevated heating in dynamically compressed CH foam
K Falk, CJ Fontes, CL Fryer, CW Greeff, M Holec, HM Johns, ...
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 62 (7), 074001, 2020
Numerical modeling of nonlocal energy transport in laser-heated plasmas
M Holec
Application of Discontinuous Galerkin Adaptive Mesh and Order Refinement Method to Energy Transport and Conservation Equation in Radiationhydrodynamics
M Holec, M Cotelo, P Velarde
1st Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, 2015
Modeling of diffusive problems in laser plasma
M Holec
Master thesis, Czech Technical University, 2012
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