Jason J. Dahling
Jason J. Dahling
Professor of Psychology, The College of New Jersey
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The development and validation of a new Machiavellianism scale
JJ Dahling, BG Whitaker, PE Levy
Journal of Management 35 (2), 219-257, 2009
Emotional display rules as work unit norms: a multilevel analysis of emotional labor among nurses.
JM Diefendorff, RJ Erickson, AA Grandey, JJ Dahling
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 16 (2), 170-186, 2011
A predictive study of emotional labor and turnover
SL Chau, JJ Dahling, PE Levy, JM Diefendorff
Journal of organizational Behavior 30 (8), 1151-1163, 2009
The development of a feedback environment and role clarity model of job performance
BG Whitaker, JJ Dahling, P Levy
Journal of Management 33 (4), 570-591, 2007
Older worker, different actor? Linking age and emotional labor strategies
JJ Dahling, LA Perez
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (5), 574-578, 2010
Breaking rules for the right reasons? An investigation of pro‐social rule breaking
JJ Dahling, SL Chau, DM Mayer, JB Gregory
Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (1), 21-42, 2012
Better together? Examining profiles of employee recovery experiences.
AA Bennett, AS Gabriel, C Calderwood, JJ Dahling, JP Trougakos
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (12), 1635, 2016
Correlates and consequences of feedback orientation in organizations
JJ Dahling, SL Chau, A O’malley
Journal of Management 38 (2), 531-546, 2012
Does coaching matter? A multilevel model linking managerial coaching skill and frequency to sales goal attainment
JJ Dahling, SR Taylor, SL Chau, SA Dwight
Personnel psychology 69 (4), 863-894, 2016
Linking affective commitment, career self-efficacy, and outcome expectations: A test of social cognitive career theory
AM Conklin, JJ Dahling, PA Garcia
Journal of Career Development 40 (1), 68-83, 2013
Perceived social status and learning experiences in social cognitive career theory
MN Thompson, JJ Dahling
Journal of vocational behavior 80 (2), 351-361, 2012
Learning goal orientation and locus of control interact to predict academic self-concept and academic performance in college students
MA Albert, JJ Dahling
Personality and Individual Differences 97, 245-248, 2016
Financial Strain and Regional Unemployment as Barriers to Job Search Self-Efficacy: A Test of Social Cognitive Career Theory.
JJ Dahling, R Melloy, MN Thompson
Journal of Counseling Psychology 60 (2), 210-218, 2013
Spirituality, religion, and emotional labor in the workplace
CJ Byrne, DM Morton, JJ Dahling
Journal of management, spirituality & religion 8 (4), 299-315, 2011
Integrating the Theory of Work Adjustment and Attachment Theory to Predict Job Turnover Intentions
JJ Dahling, UA Librizzi
Journal of Career Development 42 (3), 215-228, 2015
Loyal rebels? A test of the normative conflict model of constructive deviance
JJ Dahling, MB Gutworth
Journal of Organizational Behavior 38 (8), 1167-1182, 2017
Integrating job loss, unemployment, and reemployment with social cognitive career theory
MN Thompson, JJ Dahling, MY Chin, RC Melloy
Journal of Career Assessment 25 (1), 40-57, 2017
Employment and poverty: Why work matters in understanding poverty.
MN Thompson, JJ Dahling
American psychologist 74 (6), 673, 2019
Supportive feedback environments can mend broken performance management systems
JJ Dahling, AL O’Malley
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 4 (2), 201-203, 2011
Effects of feedback motives on inquiry and performance
J Dahling, AL O'Malley, SL Chau
Journal of Managerial Psychology 30 (2), 199-215, 2015
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