Vladimir Vlasov
Vladimir Vlasov
Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin
Потвърден имейл адрес: syktsu.ru
Ultrafast magnetoelastic probing of surface acoustic transients
J Janušonis, CL Chang, T Jansma, A Gatilova, VS Vlasov, ...
Physical Review B 94 (2), 024415, 2016
Parametric frequency mixing in a magnetoelastically driven linear ferromagnetic-resonance oscillator
CL Chang, AM Lomonosov, J Janusonis, VS Vlasov, VV Temnov, ...
Physical Review B 95 (6), 060409, 2017
Nonlinear excitation of hypersound in a ferrite plate under the ferromagnetic-resonance conditions
VS Vlasov, LN Kotov, VG Shavrov, VI Shcheglov
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 54, 821-832, 2009
Magnetization switching in bistable nanomagnets by picosecond pulses of surface acoustic waves
VS Vlasov, AM Lomonosov, AV Golov, LN Kotov, V Besse, A Alekhin, ...
Physical Review B 101 (2), 024425, 2020
Generation of exchange magnons in thin ferromagnetic films by ultrashort acoustic pulses
V Besse, AV Golov, VS Vlasov, A Alekhin, D Kuzmin, IV Bychkov, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 502, 166320, 2020
The modern problems of ultrafast magnetoacoustics
VS Vlasov, AV Golov, LN Kotov, VI Shcheglov, AM Lomonosov, ...
Acoustical Physics 68 (1), 18-47, 2022
Nonlinear excitation of ultrasound in a two-layer ferrite structure under ferromagnetic resonance conditions
VS Vlasov, VG Shavrov, VI Shcheglov
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 59, 441-455, 2014
Relaxation of magnetization in thin composite (Co45Fe45Zr10) X (Al2O3) 100− X films
LN Kotov, VK Turkov, VS Vlasov, YE Kalinin, AV Sitnikov, FF Asadullin
Materials Science and Engineering: A 442 (1-2), 352-355, 2006
Influence of annealing on magnetic, relaxation and structural properties of composite and multilayer films
LN Kotov, VS Vlasov, VK Turkov, YE Kalinin, AV Sitnikov
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (2), 1696-1699, 2012
Magnetic and relaxation properties of thin composite films (Co45Fe45Zr10) x (Al2O3) 1− x
LN Kotov, VK Turkov, VS Vlasov, YE Kalinin, AV Sitnikov, FF Asadullin
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic materials 316 (2), e20-e22, 2007
Magnetic and Relaxation Properties of (CO45Fe45Zr10)x(Al2O3)1-x Thin Films
LN Kotov, YY Efimets, VS Vlasov, AP Petrakov, VK Turkov, Y Kalinin, ...
Advanced Materials Research 47, 706-709, 2008
Resonant phonon-magnon interactions in freestanding metal-ferromagnet multilayer structures
U Vernik, AM Lomonosov, VS Vlasov, LN Kotov, DA Kuzmin, IV Bychkov, ...
Physical Review B 106 (14), 144420, 2022
The second-order magnetization precession in an anisotropic medium. Part 2: The cubic anisotropy
VS Vlasov, MS Kirushev, LN Kotov, VG Shavrov, VI Shcheglov
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 58, 847-862, 2013
Asymmetric excitation of the two-order magnetization precession under orientational transition conditions
VS Vlasov, LN Kotov, VG Shavrov, VI Shcheglov
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 57, 453-467, 2012
Nonlinear dynamics of the magnetization in a ferrite plate with magnetoelastic properties under the conditions for orientational transition
VS Vlasov, LN Kotov, VG Shavrov, VI Shcheglov
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 55, 645-656, 2010
Investigation of nonlinear dynamics of magnetoelastic oscillations in normal magnetized ferrite plate
D Pleshev, VS Vlasov, LN Kotov, FF Asadullin, SM Poleshikov, ...
Solid State Phenomena 233, 471-475, 2015
The particle size distribution function in the composite films and microwave magnetic properties
L Kotov, V Ustyugov, V Vlasov, V Turkov, M Lasek, Y Kalinin, A Sitnikov, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 123 (1), 012009, 2016
Multiregime character of the nonlinear precession of the second-order magnetization under the conditions for the orientational transition
VS Vlasov, LN Kotov, VG Shavrov, VI Shcheglov
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 56, 1117-1128, 2011
Forced nonlinear precession of the magnetization vector under the conditions of an orientation transition
VS Vlasov, LN Kotov, VG Shavrov, VI Shcheglov
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 56, 73-84, 2011
Magneto-elastic symmetry breaking with surface acoustic waves
AM Lomonosov, VS Vlasov, J Janusonis, CL Chang, RI Tobey, T Pezeril, ...
Proceedings of “The 7 th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic …, 0
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