Stefan Schweinberger
Stefan Schweinberger
Professor für Allgemeine Psychologie, University of Jena
Потвърден имейл адрес: uni-jena.de - Начална страница
Event-related brain potential evidence for a response of inferior temporal cortex to familiar face repetitions
SR Schweinberger, EC Pickering, I Jentzsch, AM Burton, JM Kaufmann
Cognitive Brain Research 14 (3), 398-409, 2002
Attention capture by faces
SRH Langton, AS Law, AM Burton, SR Schweinberger
Cognition 107 (1), 330-342, 2008
Repetition priming and associative priming of face recognition: Evidence from event-related potentials.
SR Schweinberger, EM Pfütze, W Sommer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 21 (3), 722, 1995
N250r: a face-selective brain response to stimulus repetitions
SR Schweinberger, V Huddy, AM Burton
Neuroreport 15 (9), 1501-1505, 2004
Asymmetric relationships among perceptions of facial identity, emotion, and facial speech.
SR Schweinberger, GR Soukup
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 24 (6 …, 1998
Covert recognition and the neural system for face processing
SR Schweinberger, AM Burton
Cortex 39 (1), 9-30, 2003
What's special about personally familiar faces? A multimodal approach
G Herzmann, SR Schweinberger, W Sommer, I Jentzsch
Psychophysiology 41 (5), 688-701, 2004
Human brain potential correlates of repetition priming in face and name recognition
SR Schweinberger, EC Pickering, AM Burton, JM Kaufmann
Neuropsychologia 40 (12), 2057-2073, 2002
Age-related slowing in face and name recognition: evidence from event-related brain potentials.
EM Pfütze, W Sommer, SR Schweinberger
Psychology and aging 17 (1), 140, 2002
Expertise and own-race bias in face processing: an event-related potential study
J Stahl, H Wiese, SR Schweinberger
Neuroreport 19 (5), 583-587, 2008
Familiarity enhances invariance of face representations in human ventral visual cortex: fMRI evidence
E Eger, SR Schweinberger, RJ Dolan, RN Henson
Neuroimage 26 (4), 1128-1139, 2005
Mental representations of familiar faces
AM Burton, R Jenkins, SR Schweinberger
British Journal of Psychology 102 (4), 943-958, 2011
N250 ERP correlates of the acquisition of face representations across different images
JM Kaufmann, SR Schweinberger, AM Burton
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (4), 625-641, 2009
Repetition effects in human ERPs to faces
SR Schweinberger, MF Neumann
Cortex 80, 141-153, 2016
The age of the beholder: ERP evidence of an own-age bias in face memory
H Wiese, SR Schweinberger, K Hansen
Neuropsychologia 46 (12), 2973-2985, 2008
Asymmetric dependencies in perceiving identity and emotion: Experiments with morphed faces
SR Schweinberger, AM Burton, SW Kelly
Perception & Psychophysics 61 (6), 1102-1115, 1999
Face and voice perception: Understanding commonalities and differences
AW Young, S Frühholz, SR Schweinberger
Trends in cognitive sciences 24 (5), 398-410, 2020
Expression influences the recognition of familiar faces
JM Kaufmann, SR Schweinberger
Perception 33 (4), 399-408, 2004
Arguments against a configural processing account of familiar face recognition
AM Burton, SR Schweinberger, R Jenkins, JM Kaufmann
Perspectives on Psychological Science 10 (4), 482-496, 2015
Influences of fundamental frequency, formant frequencies, aperiodicity, and spectrum level on the perception of voice gender
VG Skuk, SR Schweinberger
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 57 (1), 285-296, 2014
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