Rebecca Pera
Rebecca Pera
Потвърден имейл адрес: unito.it
Motives and resources for value co-creation in a multi-stakeholder ecosystem: A managerial perspective
R Pera, N Occhiocupo, J Clarke
Journal of business research 69 (10), 4033-4041, 2016
Conceptualising a digital orientation: antecedents of supporting SME performance in the digital economy
S Quinton, A Canhoto, S Molinillo, R Pera, T Budhathoki
Journal of Strategic Marketing 26 (5), 427-439, 2018
Exploring how video digital storytelling builds relationship experiences
R Pera, G Viglia
Psychology & Marketing 33 (12), 1142-1150, 2016
Empowering the new traveller: storytelling as a co-creative behaviour in tourism
R Pera
Current Issues in Tourism 20 (4), 331-338, 2017
The determinants of stakeholder engagement in digital platforms
G Viglia, R Pera, E Bigné
Journal of Business Research 89, 404-410, 2018
Digital strategy aligning in SMEs: A dynamic capabilities perspective
AI Canhoto, S Quinton, R Pera, S Molinillo, L Simkin
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 30 (3), 101682, 2021
Who am I? How compelling self-storytelling builds digital personal reputation
R Pera, G Viglia, R Furlan
Journal of Interactive Marketing 35 (1), 44-55, 2016
When empathy prevents negative reviewing behavior
R Pera, G Viglia, L Grazzini, D Dalli
Annals of Tourism Research 75, 265-278, 2019
Turning ideas into products: subjective well-being in co-creation
R Pera, G Viglia
The Service Industries Journal 35 (7-8), 388-402, 2015
I am who I am: Sharing photos on social media by older consumers and its influence on subjective well‐being
R Pera, S Quinton, G Baima
Psychology & Marketing 37 (6), 782-795, 2020
The relationship between price paid and hotel review ratings: expectancy-disconfirmation or placebo effect?
G Abrate, S Quinton, R Pera
Tourism Management 85, 104314, 2021
Engagement and value cocreation within a multi-stakeholder service ecosystem
G Viglia, R Pera, S Dyussembayeva, M Mifsud, LD Hollebeek
Journal of Business Research 157, 113584, 2023
“What being healthy means to me”: A qualitative analysis uncovering the core categories of adolescents’ perception of health
A Borraccino, R Pera, P Lemma
PLoS One 14 (6), e0218727, 2019
When consumers get creative
R Pera
Cocreation in the Individual and C ollective R ealm, 2018
When cocreation turns into codestruction
R Pera, A Menozzi, G Abrate, G Baima
Journal of Business Research 128, 222-232, 2021
The use of embedded visual methods in unveiling consumers' values: A digital ethnography perspective
R Pera, S Quinton, G Baima
Psychology & Marketing 39 (2), 309-319, 2022
Consumers' textile disposal practices and their perceived value in the circular economy: A platform focused ethnography approach
R Pera, E Ferrulli
Business Strategy and the Environment, 2023
Last AND least: when hotel guests do not care about environmental policies
G Abrate, R Pera, S Quinton
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management 38 (1), 33-53, 2020
Promoting greener transportation systems for employees in industrial areas: Service design and communication strategies.
R Pera
Environmental Quality Management 20 (2), 2010
Intuizione creativa e generazione di nuove idee. La creatività nell’individuo e nelle organizzazioni
R Pera
UTET libreria, 2005
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