Dongqi Ji
Dongqi Ji
Потвърден имейл адрес: cugb.edu.cn
Analysis of steam–solvent–bitumen phase behavior and solvent mass transfer for improving the performance of the ES-SAGD process
D Ji, M Dong, Z Chen
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 133, 826-837, 2015
Experimental and numerical study of the convective mass transfer of solvent in the Expanding-Solvent SAGD process
L Meng, D Ji, M Dong, B Maini
Fuel 215, 298-311, 2018
Study of heat transfer by thermal expansion of connate water ahead of a steam chamber edge in the steam-assisted-gravity-drainage process
D Ji, H Zhong, M Dong, Z Chen
Fuel 150, 592-601, 2015
Re-Examination of Fingering in SAGD and ES-SAGD
D Ji, S Yang, H Zhong, M Dong, Z Chen, L Zhong
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, D011S003R006, 2016
Characterization of multiphase flow in shale oil reservoirs considering multiscale porous media by high-resolution numerical simulation
Z Lei, J Li, Z Chen, X Dai, D Ji, Y Wang, Y Liu
SPE Journal 28 (06), 3101-3116, 2023
Modeling of methane/shale excess adsorption under reservoir conditions
S Yang, W Wu, J Xu, D Ji, Z Chen, Y Wei
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 21 (04), 1027-1034, 2018
A novel model of brittleness index for shale gas reservoirs: Confining pressure effect
Y Hu, ME Perdomo, K Wu, Z Chen, K Zhang, D Ji, H Zhong
SPE Asia Pacific unconventional resources conference and exhibition, SPE …, 2015
Modelling of electromagnetic heating process and its applications in oil sands reservoirs
D Ji, T Harding, Z Chen, M Dong, H Liu
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, D011S002R006, 2019
Well modelling methods in thermal reservoir simulation
H Liu, Z Chen, L Shen, X Guo, D Ji
Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 75, 63, 2020
Pore-scale imbibition patterns in layered porous media with fractures
B Li, H Yu, DQ Ji, FC Wang, ZD Lei, HA Wu
Physics of Fluids 36 (1), 2024
Numerical modeling of the steam chamber ramp-up phase in steam-assisted gravity drainage
D Ji, J Xu, X Lyu, Z Li, J Zhan
Energies 15 (8), 2933, 2022
Feasibility of electromagnetic heating for oil sand reservoirs
D Ji, TG Harding, Z Chen, M Dong, H Liu, Z Li, F Lai
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, D021S002R003, 2020
Volume effects on methane-shale adsorption under reservoir conditions
S Yang, W Wu, J Xu, D Ji, Z Chen
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-180076-MS, 2016
A model to estimate heat efficiency in steam-assisted gravity drainage by condensate and initial water flow in oil sands
D Ji, H Zhong, M Dong, Z Chen, X Jia
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55 (51), 13147-13156, 2016
Well Pattern and Well Spacing Optimization of Large Volume Water Injection in a Low‐Permeability Reservoir with Pressure Sensitivity
J Zhan, Y Tian, C Fan, X Ma, RS Nie, D Ji, T Li, H Yu
Geofluids 2022 (1), 8215223, 2022
Using least square support vector machines to approximate single phase flow
H Zhong, K Wu, D Ji, Z Chen
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, D022S013R001, 2017
Pore fluid movability in fractured shale oil reservoir based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Y Liu, Z Chen, D Ji, Y Peng, Y Hou, Z Lei
Processes 11 (12), 3365, 2023
Apparent permeability for gas flow in shale reservoirs coupling effects of gas diffusion and desorption (Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC))
K Wu, X Li, C Wang, Z Chen, W Yu
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2328-2345, 2014
Simulation Study of Steam-Solvent Phase Behaviour in Solvent Aided SAGD Process and Its Effect on Oil Recovery
D Ji
Temperature-Dependent Irreducible Water Trapping in Heavy-Oil Reservoirs
D Ji, S Wu, B Wang, Z Li, F Lai, Z Chen, M Dong, C Ge
SPE Journal 26 (04), 2245-2270, 2021
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