Kyle Nash
Threat and defense: From anxiety to approach
E Jonas, I McGregor, J Klackl, D Agroskin, I Fritsche, C Holbrook, K Nash, ...
Advances in experimental social psychology 49, 219-286, 2014
Religious belief as compensatory control
AC Kay, D Gaucher, I McGregor, K Nash
Personality and Social Psychology Review 14 (1), 37-48, 2010
Neural markers of religious conviction
M Inzlicht, I McGregor, JB Hirsh, K Nash
Psychological Science 20 (3), 385, 2009
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
JJ Van Bavel, A Cichocka, V Capraro, H Sjåstad, JB Nezlek, T Pavlović, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 517, 2022
Anxious uncertainty and reactive approach motivation (RAM).
I McGregor, K Nash, N Mann, CE Phills
Journal of personality and social psychology 99 (1), 133, 2010
Reactive approach motivation (RAM) for religion.
I McGregor, K Nash, M Prentice
Journal of personality and social psychology 99 (1), 148, 2010
Ideological and personal zeal reactions to threat among people with high self-esteem: Motivated promotion focus
I McGregor, MT Gailliot, NA Vasquez, KA Nash
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (11), 1587, 2007
Dimensions of perfectionism, behavioral inhibition, and rumination
D Randles, GL Flett, KA Nash, ID McGregor, PL Hewitt
Personality and Individual Differences 49 (2), 83-87, 2010
Religious zeal and the uncertain self
I McGregor, R Haji, KA Nash, R Teper
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 30 (2), 183-188, 2008
Threat and defense as goal regulation: From implicit goal conflict to anxious uncertainty, reactive approach motivation, and ideological extremism.
K Nash, I McGregor, M Prentice
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (6), 1291, 2011
Anxious uncertainty and reactive approach motivation (RAM) for religious, idealistic, and lifestyle extremes
I McGregor, M Prentice, K Nash
Journal of Social Issues 69 (3), 537-563, 2013
Religious magnanimity: reminding people of their religious belief system reduces hostility after threat.
K Schumann, I McGregor, KA Nash, M Ross
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 107 (3), 432, 2014
Line bisection as a neural marker of approach motivation
K Nash, I Mcgregor, M Inzlicht
Psychophysiology 47 (5), 979-983, 2010
Threat, high self-esteem, and reactive approach-motivation: Electroencephalographic evidence
I McGregor, KA Nash, M Inzlicht
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (4), 1003-1007, 2009
Approach-related left prefrontal EEG asymmetry predicts muted error-related negativity
K Nash, M Inzlicht, I McGregor
Biological psychology 91 (1), 96-102, 2012
Personal uncertainty management by reactive approach motivation
I McGregor, MS Prentice, KA Nash
Taylor & Francis Group 20 (4), 225-229, 2009
Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries
F Azevedo, T Pavlović, GG Rêgo, FC Ay, B Gjoneska, TW Etienne, ...
Scientific data 10 (1), 272, 2023
Clocking the social mind by identifying mental processes in the IAT with electrical neuroimaging
B Schiller, LRR Gianotti, T Baumgartner, K Nash, T Koenig, D Knoch
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (10), 2786-2791, 2016
Neural and motivational mechanics of meaning and threat.
AM Tullett, MS Prentice, R Teper, KA Nash, M Inzlicht, I McGregor
American Psychological Association, 2013
The bionic blues: Robot rejection lowers self-esteem
K Nash, JM Lea, T Davies, K Yogeeswaran
Computers in human behavior 78, 59-63, 2018
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