A. Timothy Church
A. Timothy Church
Professor Emeritus, Washington State University
Потвърден имейл адрес: wsu.edu
Sojourner adjustment.
AT Church
Psychological bulletin 91 (3), 540, 1982
Exploratory and confirmatory tests of the big five and Tellegen's three-and four-dimensional models.
AT Church, PJ Burke
Journal of personality and social psychology 66 (1), 93, 1994
Need satisfaction and well-being: Testing self-determination theory in eight cultures
AT Church, MS Katigbak, KD Locke, H Zhang, J Shen, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 44 (4), 507-534, 2013
Culture and personality: Toward an integrated cultural trait psychology
AT Church
Journal of Personality 68 (4), 651-703, 2000
Relating the Tellegen and five-factor models of personality structure.
AT Church
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 67 (5), 898, 1994
The cross-cultural perspective in the study of personality: Rationale and current research
AT Church, WJ Lonner
Journal of cross-cultural psychology 29 (1), 32-62, 1998
Only three factors of personality description are fully replicable across languages: a comparison of 14 trait taxonomies.
B De Raad, DPH Barelds, E Levert, F Ostendorf, B Mlačić, LD Blas, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (1), 160, 2010
Personality measurement in cross‐cultural perspective
AT Church
Journal of Personality 69 (6), 979-1006, 2001
Personality research in a non-Western culture: The Philippines.
AT Church
Psychological Bulletin 102 (2), 272, 1987
Self-efficacy for careers and occupational consideration in minority high school equivalency students.
AT Church, JS Teresa, R Rosebrook, D Szendre
Journal of Counseling Psychology 39 (4), 498, 1992
Internal, external, and self-report structure of personality in a non-western culture: An investigation of cross-language and cross-cultural generalizability.
AT Church, MS Katigbak
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57 (5), 857, 1989
Self-described traits, values, and moods associated with individualism and collectivism: Testing IC theory in an individualistic (US) and a collectivistic (Philippine) culture
SD Grimm, AT Church, MS Katigbak, JAS Reyes
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 30 (4), 466-500, 1999
Cross-cultural generalizability of personality dimensions: Relating indigenous and imported dimensions in two cultures.
MS Katigbak, AT Church, TX Akamine
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 70 (1), 99, 1996
Self-efficacy in relation to occupational consideration and academic performance in high school equivalency students.
E Bores-Rangel, AT Church, D Szendre, C Reeves
Journal of Counseling Psychology 37 (4), 407, 1990
A basic bivariate structure of personality attributes evident across nine languages
G Saucier, AG Thalmayer, DL Payne, R Carlson, L Sanogo, ...
Journal of Personality 82 (1), 1-14, 2014
A cross-cultural study of response biases in personality measures
SD Grimm, AT Church
Journal of Research in Personality 33 (4), 415-441, 1999
Identifying cultural differences in items and traits: Differential item functioning in the NEO Personality Inventory
CD Huang, AT Church, MS Katigbak
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 28 (2), 192-218, 1997
Are indigenous personality dimensions culture specific? Philippine inventories and the five-factor model.
MS Katigbak, AT Church, MA Guanzon-Lapena, AJ Carlota, GH del Pilar
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 82 (1), 89, 2002
Are cross-cultural comparisons of personality profiles meaningful? Differential item and facet functioning in the Revised NEO Personality Inventory.
AT Church, JM Alvarez, NTQ Mai, BF French, MS Katigbak, FA Ortiz
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (5), 1068, 2011
Filipino personality structure and the Big Five model: A lexical approach
AT Church, JAS Reyes, MS Katigbak, SD Grimm
Journal of Personality 65 (3), 477-528, 1997
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