Dr Farooq Ahmed  jam
The impact of organizational commitment on employees job performance:‘a study of oil and gas sector of Pakistan’
MR Khan
Job involvement as predictor of employee commitment: Evidence from Pakistan
TI Khan, FA Jam, A Akbar, MB Khan, ST Hijazi
International Journal of Business and Management 6 (4), 252, 2011
Is it harmful or helpful? Examining the causes and consequences of generative AI usage among university students
M Abbas, FA Jam, TI Khan
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 21 (1), 10, 2024
Multivariate Granger causality between CO2 emissions, energy intensity and economic growth in Portugal: evidence from cointegration and causality analysis
M Shahbaz, FA Jam, S Bibi, N Loganathan
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 22 (1), 47-74, 2016
The interactive effect of uncertainty avoidance cultural values and leadership styles on open service innovation: A look at malaysian healthcare sector
FA Jam, SKG Singh, BK Ng, N Aziz
International Journal of Business and Administrative Studies 4 (5), 208, 2018
Combined effects of perception of politics and political skill on employee job outcomes
FA Jam, RA Sheikh, H Iqbal, BH Zaidi, Y Anis, M Muzaffar
African Journal of Business Management 5 (23), 9896, 2011
A time-lagged study on the moderating role of overall satisfaction in perceived politics: Job outcomes relationships
FA Jam, MBL Donia, U Raja, CH Ling
Journal of Management & Organization 23 (3), 321-336, 2017
The impacts of employees’ job stress on organizational commitment
I Ziauddin, M Khan, F Jam, S Hijazi
European Journal of Social Sciences 13 (4), 617-622, 2010
Roles of leadership styles and relationship-based employee governance in open service innovation: Evidence from Malaysian service sector
FA Jam, MM Naqshbandi, S Kaur, K Ng,Boon
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 39 (3), 353-374, 2018
Identify factors affecting the management of political behavior among bank staff
FA Jam, AS Rauf, I Husnain, HZ Bilal, A Yasir, M Mashood
African Journal of Business Management 5 (23), 9896-9904, 2014
Perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment
A Ali, M Ahmad-Ur-Rehman, IU Haq, FA Jam, MB Ghafoor, MU Azeem
European Journal of Social Sciences 17 (2), 186-192, 2010
Political skills moderates the relationship between perception of organizational politics and job outcomes
FA Jam, TI Khan, B Zaidi, SM Muzaffar
Journal of Educational and Social Research 1 (4), 57-70, 2011
A time-lagged study of the relationship between big five personality and ethical ideology
TI Khan, A Akbar, FA Jam, MM Saeed
Ethics & Behavior 26 (6), 488-506, 2016
Impact of leader behavior on employee job stress: Evidence from Pakistan
FA Jam, S Akhtar, IU Haq, M Ahmad-U-Rehman, ST Hijazi
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 172-179, 2010
Impact of advertisement on children behavior: Evidence from pakistan
MBK Farooq Ahmed Jam, Shakeel Akhtar, Syed Tahir Hijazi
European Journal of Social Sciences 12 (4), 663-670, 2010
Time series model to forecast area of mangoes from Pakistan: An application of univariate ARIMA model
FA Jam, S Mehmood, Z Ahmad
Acad. Contemp. Res 2, 10-15, 2013
Neuroticism and job outcomes: Mediating effects of perceived organizational politics
FAJTI Khan, F Anwar, RA Sheikh, S Kaur
African Journal of Business Management 6 (7), 2508, 2012
Are fluctuations in coal consumption per capita temporary? Evidence from developed and developing economies
M Shahbaz, AK Tiwari, FA Jam, I Ozturk
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 33, 96-101, 2014
Big five personality and perceived customer relationship management
IU Haq, MI Ramay, MAU Rehman, FA Jam
Research Journal of International Studies 15, 37-45, 2010
Consumer trust in e-commerce: A study of consumer perceptions in Pakistan
F Mazhar, FA Jam, F Anwar
African Journal of Business Management 6 (7), 2516, 2012
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