Pekka Mertala
Pekka Mertala
Associate professor, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Jyväskylä
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Teachers' beliefs about technology integration in early childhood education: A meta-ethnographical synthesis of qualitative research
P Mertala
Computers in Human Behavior 101, 334-349, 2019
Wag the dog – The nature and foundations of preschool educators' positive ICT pedagogical beliefs
P Mertala
Computers in Human Behavior 69 (2017), 197-206, 2017
Paradoxes of participation in the digitalization of education: A narrative account
P Mertala
Learning, Media and Technology 45 (2), 179-192, 2020
Digital technologies in early childhood education – a frame analysis of preservice teachers’ perceptions
P Mertala
Early Child Development and Care 189 (8), 1228-1241, 2019
Young children’s conceptions of computers, code, and the Internet
P Mertala
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 19, 56-66, 2019
Finnish 5th and 6th grade students’ pre-instructional conceptions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their implications for AI literacy education
P Mertala, J Fagerlund, O Calderon
Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence 3, 100095, 2022
It is a Tool, but not a ‘Must’: Early Childhood Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of ICT and its Affordances
C Dong, P Mertala
Early Years 41 (5), 540-555, 2021
Fun and games - Finnish children’s ideas for the use of digital media in preschool
P Mertala
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 11 (4), 207-226, 2016
Wonder children and victimizing parents – preservice early childhood teachers’ beliefs about children and technology at home
P Mertala
Early Child Development and Care 189 (3), 392-404, 2019
Young children’s perceptions of ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things
P Mertala
British Journal of Educational Technology 51 (1), 84-102, 2020
Multiliteracies in local curricula: conceptual contextualizations of transversal competence in the finnish curricular framework
L Palsa, P Mertala
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy 5 (2), 114-126, 2019
The value of toys: 6–8-year-old children's toy preferences and the functional analysis of popular toys
P Mertala, H Karikoski, L Tähtinen, VM Sarenius
International Journal of Play 5 (1), 11-27, 2016
Lost in translation? – Huomioita suomalaisten opetussuunnitelmien monilukutaito-käsitteen tutkimuksellisista ja pedagogisista haasteista
P Mertala
Media & viestintä 41 (1), 107-116, 2018
Kasvatuskeskeinen näkökulma varhaisvuosien mediakasvatukseen
P Mertala, S Salomaa
(toim.) Pekkala, L., Salomaa, S. & Spisak, S. Monimuotoinen mediakasvatus …, 2016
Data (il)literacy education as a hidden curriculum of the datafication of education
P Mertala
Journal of Media Literacy Education 12 (3), 30-42, 2020
Laaja-alaisen tieto- ja viestintäteknologiaosaamisen tukeminen varhaiskasvatuksessa
P Mertala
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research 9 (1), 6-31, 2020
Two worlds collide? The role of Chinese traditions and Western influences in Chinese preservice teachers’ perceptions of appropriate technology use
C Dong, P Mertala
British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (1), 288-303, 2021
Näkökulmia monilukutaitoon: opettajuus ja situationaaliset lukutaidot
P Mertala
Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta 8 (6), 2017
The pedagogy of multiliteracies as a code breaker: A suggestion for a transversal approach to computing education in basic education
P Mertala
British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (6), 2227-2241, 2021
The best game in the world: Exploring young children’s digital game–related meaning-making via design activity
P Mertala, M Meriläinen
Global Studies of Childhood 9 (4), 275-289, 2019
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