User acceptance of YouTube for procedural learning: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model DY Lee, MR Lehto Computers & Education 61, 193-208, 2013 | 860 | 2013 |
Introduction to human factors and ergonomics for engineers MR Lehto, SJ Landry CRC press, 2012 | 342 | 2012 |
Warnings. Volume I-Fundamentals, Design, and Evaluation Methodologies. MR Lehto, JM Miller Fuller Technical Publications, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1986 | 150 | 1986 |
Models of accident causation and their application: Review and reappraisal M Lehto, G Salvendy Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 8 (2), 173-205, 1991 | 132 | 1991 |
Vacation as a public health resource: Toward a wellness-centered tourism design approach XY Lehto, MR Lehto Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 43 (7), 935-960, 2019 | 118 | 2019 |
Self-service technology kiosk design for restaurants: An QFD application S Park, X Lehto, M Lehto International Journal of Hospitality Management 92, 102757, 2021 | 117 | 2021 |
Motor vehicle crashes in roadway construction workzones: an analysis using narrative text from insurance claims GS Sorock, TA Ranney, MR Lehto Accident Analysis & Prevention 28 (1), 131-138, 1996 | 105 | 1996 |
Young drivers’ decision making and safety belt use F Calisir, MR Lehto Accident Analysis & Prevention 34 (6), 793-805, 2002 | 93 | 2002 |
The effectiveness of warning labels A Loewenthal, MW Riley Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting 24 (1), 389-391, 1980 | 93 | 1980 |
Ecolabel's role in informing sustainable consumption: A naturalistic decision making study using eye tracking glasses L Song, Y Lim, P Chang, Y Guo, M Zhang, X Wang, X Yu, MR Lehto, ... Journal of cleaner production 218, 685-695, 2019 | 91 | 2019 |
Classifying injury narratives of large administrative databases for surveillance—A practical approach combining machine learning ensembles and human review HR Marucci-Wellman, HL Corns, MR Lehto Accident Analysis & Prevention 98, 359-371, 2017 | 82 | 2017 |
A proposed conceptual model of human behavior and its implications for design of warnings MR Lehto Perceptual and motor skills 73 (2), 595-611, 1991 | 78 | 1991 |
Models of the warning process: Important implications towards effectiveness MR Lehto, JD Papastavrou Safety Science 16 (5-6), 569-595, 1993 | 71 | 1993 |
Near-miss narratives from the fire service: a Bayesian analysis JA Taylor, AV Lacovara, GS Smith, R Pandian, M Lehto Accident analysis & prevention 62, 119-129, 2014 | 68 | 2014 |
Computerized coding of injury narrative data from the National Health Interview Survey HM Wellman, MR Lehto, GS Sorock, GS Smith Accident Analysis & Prevention 36 (2), 165-171, 2004 | 68 | 2004 |
Warnings: Fundamentals, design, and evaluation methodologies MR Lehto, JM Miller Fuller Technical Publications, 1986 | 68 | 1986 |
Designing warning signs and warning labels: part II—scientific basis for initial guidelines MR Lehto International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 10 (1-2), 115-138, 1992 | 65 | 1992 |
Decision making MR Lehto Handbook of human factors and ergonomics 2, 1201-1248, 1997 | 61 | 1997 |
The effects of text structure and prior knowledge of the learner on computer-based learning F Calisir, M Eryazici, MR Lehto Computers in Human Behavior 24 (2), 439-450, 2008 | 60 | 2008 |
A practical tool for public health surveillance: Semi-automated coding of short injury narratives from large administrative databases using Naïve Bayes algorithms HR Marucci-Wellman, MR Lehto, HL Corns Accident Analysis & Prevention 84, 165-176, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |