Moh. Abdul Hakim
Moh. Abdul Hakim
Assistant Professor, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Потвърден имейл адрес: staff.uns.ac.id
Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: Relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey
A Lieberoth, SY Lin, S Stöckli, H Han, M Kowal, R Gelpi, S Chrona, ...
Royal Society Open Science 8 (2), 200589, 2021
Is social media use for networking positive or negative? Offline social capital and internet addiction as mediators for the relationship between social media use and mental health
P Glaser, JH Liu, MA Hakim, R Vilar, R Zhang
New Zealand Journal of Psychology (Online) 47 (3), 12-18, 2018
Psikologi sosial: Pengantar dalam teori dan penelitian
SE Hafiz, M Nauly, R Fauzia, A Pitaloka, B Takwin, MA Hakim, ...
Salemba Humanika, 2018
Deteksi dini prevalensi gangguan kesehatan mental mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi
AT Setyanto
Wacana 15 (1), 66-78, 2023
Deprivasi relatif dan prasangka antar kelompok
FH Santhoso, MA Hakim
Jurnal Psikologi 39 (1), 121-128, 2012
Sadness as perceived by Indonesian male and female adolescents
AK Putri, JE Prawitasari, MA Hakim, KW Yuniarti, U Kim
International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology 1 (1), 27-36, 2012
Monarchism, national identity and social representations of history in I ndonesia: Intersections of the local and national in the s ultanates of Y ogyakarta and S urakarta
MA Hakim, JH Liu, L Isler, MR Woodward
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 18 (4), 259-269, 2015
Social context, interpersonal network, and identity dynamics: A social psychological case study of terrorist recidivism
MA Hakim, DR Mujahidah
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 23 (1), 3-14, 2020
Human security psychology: A linking construct for an eclectic discipline
D Hodgetts, V Hopner, S Carr, D Bar-Tal, JH Liu, R Saner, L Yiu, J Horgan, ...
Review of General Psychology 27 (2), 177-193, 2023
Javanese adolescents' future orientation and support for its effort: An Indigenous psychological analysis
N Rarasati, MA Hakim, KW Yuniarti
Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2012
A typology of masspersonal information seeking repertoires (MISR): Global implications for political participation and subjective well-being
JH Liu, RJ Zhang, R Vilar, P Milojev, MA Hakim, HG de Zúñiga, ...
New Media & Society 23 (9), 2729-2753, 2021
Development, construct validity, and measurement invariance of the parasocial relationship with political figures (PSR-P) scale
MA Hakim, JH Liu
International Perspectives in Psychology, 2021
Scaling the security staircase
SC Carr, V Hopner, MA Hakim, DJ Hodgetts, K Chamberlain, N Nelson, ...
Political Psychology 42 (4), 575-595, 2021
Mengukur depresi, kecemasan, dan stres pada kelompok dewasa awal di Indonesia: Uji validitas dan reliabilitas konstruk DASS-21
MA Hakim, NV Aristawati
Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat 10 (2), 232-250, 2023
Javanese adolescents’ future orientation: An indigenous psychological analysis
N Rarasati, MA Hakim, KW Yuniarti
International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, 2012
Association between poverty and children's working memory abilities in developing countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
HW Nugroho, H Salimo, H Hartono, MA Hakim, A Probandari
Frontiers in Nutrition 10, 1067626, 2023
Vulnerable Factors Of Sadness Among Adolescents Inindonesia: An Exploratory Indigenous Research
T Renanita, MA Hakim, KW Yuniarti
Humanitas 9 (1), 1, 2012
The contents of Indonesia child-parent attachment: Indigenous and cultural analysis
MA Hakim, YKW Supriyadi
ISSBD 2 (62), 11-5, 2012
Hubungan Antara Identitas Sosial dengan Perilaku Prososial pada Aktivis Komunitas Info Cegatan Jogja (ICJ) The Relationship Between Social Identity and Prosocial Behavior Among …
AI Setiawan, AN Priyatama, MA Hakim
Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Candrajiwa 7 (1), 2022
What determines incumbent vote in Indonesia? Understanding the roles of economic conditions, religiousness, political ideology, and incumbent performance
W Yustisia, I Eka Putra, MA Hakim
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 23 (2), 453-473, 2023
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