Esther Weltevrede
Esther Weltevrede
Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam
Потвърден имейл адрес: uva.nl
Scraping the social? Issues in live social research
N Marres, E Weltevrede
Journal of cultural economy 6 (3), 313-335, 2013
The politics of real-time: A device perspective on social media platforms and search engines
E Weltevrede, A Helmond, C Gerlitz
Theory, Culture & Society 31 (6), 125-150, 2014
Multi-situated app studies: Methods and propositions
M Dieter, C Gerlitz, A Helmond, N Tkacz, FN van Der Vlist, E Weltevrede
Social Media+ Society 5 (2), 2056305119846486, 2019
Societal controversies in Wikipedia articles
E Borra, E Weltevrede, P Ciuccarelli, A Kaltenbrunner, D Laniado, ...
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
Platform affordances and data practices: The value of dispute on Wikipedia
E Weltevrede, E Borra
Big Data & Society 3 (1), 2053951716653418, 2016
Repurposing digital methods: The research affordances of platforms and engines
EJT Weltevrede
Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2016
Digging Wikipedia: The online encyclopedia as a digital cultural heritage gateway and site
C Pentzold, E Weltevrede, M Mauri, D Laniado, A Kaltenbrunner, E Borra
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 10 (1), 1-19, 2017
Contropedia-the analysis and visualization of controversies in Wikipedia articles.
E Borra, E Weltevrede, P Ciuccarelli, A Kaltenbrunner, D Laniado, ...
OpenSym 34, 31, 2014
Where do bloggers blog? Platform transitions within the historical Dutch blogosphere
E Weltevrede, A Helmond
First Monday 17 (2-6), 2012
National Web studies: The case of Iran online
R Rogers, E Weltevrede, E Borra, S Niederer
A companion to new media dynamics, 142-166, 2013
Infrastructures of intimate data: Mapping the inbound and outbound data flows of dating apps
E Weltevrede, F Jansen
Computational Culture, 2019
Regramming the platform: Infrastructural relations between apps and social media
C Gerlitz, A Helmond, FN van der Vlist, E Weltevrede
Computational Culture, 2019
Store, interface, package, connection: Methods and propositions for multi-situated app studies
M Dieter, C Gerlitz, A Helmond, N Tkacz, F Vlist, E Weltevrede
Pandemic platform governance: Mapping the global ecosystem of COVID-19 response apps
M Dieter, A Helmond, N Tkacz, FN van der Vlist, E Weltevrede
Internet Policy Review 10 (3), 2021
Mapping democracy
R Rogers, F Jansen, M Stevenson, E Weltevrede
Global Information Society Watch, 47-57, 2009
A platform for visually exploring the development of Wikipedia articles
E Borra, D Laniado, E Weltevrede, M Mauri, G Magni, T Venturini, ...
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 9 …, 2015
Thinking nationally with the web: A medium-specific approach to the national turn in web archiving
E Weltevrede
Unpublished ms, 2009
Super-appification: Conglomeration in the global digital economy
FN van der Vlist, A Helmond, M Dieter, E Weltevrede
New Media & Society, 14614448231223419, 2024
Repurposing digital methods
E Weltevrede
The Netherlands: PhD Dissertation, University of Amsterdam, 2016
National Web Studies: Mapping Iran Online
R Rogers, E Weltevrede, S Niederer, E Borra
Iran Media Program, 2012
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