AR Boon
AR Boon
Други именаArjen R Boon, A Boon
Lecturer, Researcher Environmental Sciences, Avans University
Потвърден имейл адрес: avans.nl
Benthic effects of offshore renewables: identification of knowledge gaps and urgently needed research
J Dannheim, L Bergström, SNR Birchenough, R Brzana, AR Boon, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (3), 1092-1108, 2020
Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean
AM Fowler, AM Jørgensen, JC Svendsen, PI Macreadie, DOB Jones, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (10), 571-578, 2018
Chlorophyll a as a marker for bioturbation and carbon flux in southern and central North Sea sediments
AR Boon, GCA Duineveld
Marine Ecology Progress Series 162, 33-43, 1998
Relationships between benthic activity and the annual phytopigment cycle in near-bottom water and sediments in the southern North Sea
AR Boon, GCA Duineveld, EM Berghuis, JA Van der Weele
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 46 (1), 1-13, 1998
Phytopigments and fatty acids as molecular markers for the quality of near-bottom particulate organic matter in the North Sea
AR Boon, GCA Duineveld
Journal of Sea Research 35 (4), 279-291, 1996
Turning off the DRIP (‘Data-rich, information-poor’)–rationalising monitoring with a focus on marine renewable energy developments and the benthos
TA Wilding, AB Gill, A Boon, E Sheehan, JC Dauvin, JP Pezy, F O’beirn, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74, 848-859, 2017
Marine and coastal ecosystem services on the science–policy–practice nexus: challenges and opportunities from 11 European case studies
EG Drakou, C Kermagoret, C Liquete, A Ruiz-Frau, K Burkhard, AI Lillebø, ...
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2017
Marine stepping‐stones: Connectivity of Mytilus edulis populations between offshore energy installations
JWP Coolen, AR Boon, R Crooijmans, H Van Pelt, F Kleissen, D Gerla, ...
Molecular Ecology 29 (4), 686-703, 2020
Benthic organic matter supply and metabolism at depositional and non-depositional areas in the North Sea
AR Boon, GCA Duineveld, A Kok
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 49 (5), 747-761, 1999
Application of the Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index 2 to benthos in Dutch transitional and coastal waters
W Van Loon, AR Boon, A Gittenberger, DJJ Walvoort, M Lavaleye, ...
Journal of Sea Research 103, 1-13, 2015
Predicting bird collisions with wind turbines: Comparison of the new empirical Flux Collision Model with the SOSS Band model
JC Kleyheeg-Hartman, KL Krijgsveld, MP Collier, MJM Poot, AR Boon, ...
Ecological Modelling 387, 144-153, 2018
Review of marine benthic indicators and metrics for the WFD and design of an optimized BEQI
AR Boon, A Gittenberger, W Van Loon
Experiments in 1999 on a 7 m beam trawl with electrical stimulation
B Marlen, AR Boon, LG Oschatz, JB van Duijn, M Fonds
RIVO report C 28, 2000
Phytopigments and fatty acids in the gut of the deposit-feeding heart urchin Echinocardium cordatum in the southern North Sea: selective feeding and its contribution to the …
AR Boon, GCA Duineveld
Journal of Sea Research 67 (1), 77-84, 2012
Short-term variations in the fluxes and composition of seston in near-bottom traps in the southern North Sea
GC Duineveld, AR Boon
Helgoland Marine Research 56, 140-148, 2002
Coherent geographic scales and aggregation rules for environmental status assessment within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Towards a draft guidance. Deltares/AZTI/HCMR
TC Prins, A Borja, N Simboura, C Tsangaris, MD Van der Meulen, ...
Towards a draft guidance.(No. Report 1207879-000-ZKS-0014 to the European …, 2014
Parameters ecosysteemdoelen Noordzee
AR Boon, WA Wiersinga
Wageningen, Expertisecentrum LNV rapport EC-LNV, 69, 2002
Monitoring en Evaluatie Pilot Zandmotor Fase 2-Meetrapportage monstername najaar 2011 van benthos, vis vooroever, lagune en strand
AR Boon, JWM Wijsman
Deltares/IMARES, Rapport nummer C 49, 2012
Long-term changes in the macrobenthic assemblages at a harbour sediment disposal site in the southern North Sea
AR Boon, J van Dalfsen
Marine Environmental Research 178, 105663, 2022
Zee in zicht
E Luiten
Zilte waarden duurzaam benut. STT/Beweton publicatie, 2004
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