Principles of program analysis F Nielson, HR Nielson, C Hankin springer, 2015 | 3152 | 2015 |
Abstract interpretation of declarative languages S Abramsky, C Hankin Halsted Press, 1987 | 457 | 1987 |
Decision support approaches for cyber security investment A Fielder, E Panaousis, P Malacaria, C Hankin, F Smeraldi Decision support systems 86, 13-23, 2016 | 381 | 2016 |
Efficient field-sensitive pointer analysis of C DJ Pearce, PHJ Kelly, C Hankin ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 30 (1), 4-es, 2007 | 247 | 2007 |
Cybersecurity and healthcare: how safe are we? G Martin, P Martin, C Hankin, A Darzi, J Kinross Bmj 358, 2017 | 245 | 2017 |
Strictness analysis for higher-order functions GL Burn, C Hankin, S Abramsky Science of computer programming 7, 249-278, 1986 | 219 | 1986 |
Type and effect systems F Nielson, HR Nielson, C Hankin, F Nielson, HR Nielson, C Hankin Principles of Program Analysis, 283-363, 1999 | 209 | 1999 |
A framework for security analysis of mobile wireless networks S Nanz, C Hankin Theoretical Computer Science 367 (1-2), 203-227, 2006 | 206 | 2006 |
Approximate non-interference A Di Pierro, C Hankin, H Wiklicky Journal of Computer Security 12 (1), 37-81, 2004 | 201 | 2004 |
Real-time processing of social media with SENTINEL: A syndromic surveillance system incorporating deep learning for health classification O Șerban, N Thapen, B Maginnis, C Hankin, V Foot Information Processing & Management 56 (3), 1166-1184, 2019 | 130 | 2019 |
Lambda calculi: a guide for computer scientists C Hankin Oxford University Press, 1994 | 129 | 1994 |
Online cycle detection and difference propagation: Applications to pointer analysis DJ Pearce, PHJ Kelly, C Hankin Software Quality Journal 12, 311-337, 2004 | 113 | 2004 |
The theory of strictness analysis for higher order functions GL Burn, CL Hankin, S Abramsky Programs as Data Objects: Proceedings of a Workshop Copenhagen, Denmark …, 1986 | 108 | 1986 |
Principles of functional programming H Glaser, C Hankin, D Till Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984 | 95 | 1984 |
A calculus of Gamma programs C Hankin, D LeMétayer, D Sands International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing …, 1992 | 93 | 1992 |
Game theory meets information security management A Fielder, E Panaousis, P Malacaria, C Hankin, F Smeraldi ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection: 29th IFIP TC 11 International …, 2014 | 91 | 2014 |
Fast multi-scale detection of relevant communities in large-scale networks E Le Martelot, C Hankin The Computer Journal 56 (9), 1136-1150, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
An introduction to lambda calculi for computer scientists C Hankin (No Title), 2004 | 75 | 2004 |
Coordination programming: mechanisms, models and semantics JM Andreoli, C Hankin, D Le Métayer World Scientific, 1996 | 74 | 1996 |
Probabilistic λ-calculus and quantitative program analysis A Di Pierro, C Hankin, H Wiklicky Journal of Logic and Computation 15 (2), 159-179, 2005 | 72 | 2005 |