Jino Im
Crystal Growth of the Perovskite Semiconductor CsPbBr3: A New Material for High-Energy Radiation Detection
CC Stoumpos, CD Malliakas, JA Peters, Z Liu, M Sebastian, J Im, ...
Crystal growth & design 13 (7), 2722-2727, 2013
Colloidally prepared La-doped BaSnO3 electrodes for efficient, photostable perovskite solar cells
SS Shin, EJ Yeom, WS Yang, S Hur, MG Kim, J Im, J Seo, JH Noh, ...
Science 356 (6334), 167-171, 2017
CsSnI3: Semiconductor or Metal? High Electrical Conductivity and Strong Near-Infrared Photoluminescence from a Single Material. High Hole Mobility and Phase …
I Chung, JH Song, J Im, J Androulakis, CD Malliakas, H Li, AJ Freeman, ...
Journal of the american chemical society 134 (20), 8579-8587, 2012
Polycrystalline SnSe with a thermoelectric figure of merit greater than the single crystal
C Zhou, YK Lee, Y Yu, S Byun, ZZ Luo, H Lee, B Ge, YL Lee, X Chen, ...
Nature materials 20 (10), 1378-1384, 2021
Excitonic emissions and above-band-gap luminescence in the single-crystal perovskite semiconductors and
M Sebastian, JA Peters, CC Stoumpos, J Im, SS Kostina, Z Liu, ...
Physical Review B 92 (23), 235210, 2015
Switchable S= 1/2 and J= 1/2 Rashba bands in ferroelectric halide perovskites
M Kim, J Im, AJ Freeman, J Ihm, H Jin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (19), 6900-6904, 2014
Role of organic counterion in lead-and tin-based two-dimensional semiconducting iodide perovskites and application in planar solar cells
L Mao, H Tsai, W Nie, L Ma, J Im, CC Stoumpos, CD Malliakas, F Hao, ...
Chemistry of Materials 28 (21), 7781-7792, 2016
Antagonism between spin–orbit coupling and steric effects causes anomalous band gap evolution in the perovskite photovoltaic materials CH3NH3Sn1–x Pb x I3
J Im, CC Stoumpos, H Jin, AJ Freeman, MG Kanatzidis
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (17), 3503-3509, 2015
Stabilization of formamidinium lead triiodide α-phase with isopropylammonium chloride for perovskite solar cells
B Park, HW Kwon, Y Lee, DY Lee, MG Kim, G Kim, K Kim, YK Kim, J Im, ...
Nature Energy 6 (4), 419-428, 2021
Reducing carrier density in formamidinium tin perovskites and its beneficial effects on stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells
SJ Lee, SS Shin, J Im, TK Ahn, JH Noh, NJ Jeon, SI Seok, J Seo
ACS Energy Letters 3 (1), 46-53, 2017
Engineering interface structures between lead halide perovskite and copper phthalocyanine for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells
YC Kim, TY Yang, NJ Jeon, J Im, S Jang, TJ Shin, HW Shin, S Kim, E Lee, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (10), 2109-2116, 2017
Identifying Pb-free perovskites for solar cells by machine learning
J Im, S Lee, TW Ko, HW Kim, YK Hyon, H Chang
npj Computational Materials 5 (1), 37, 2019
Enhanced electrocatalytic activity by chemical nitridation of two-dimensional titanium carbide MXene for hydrogen evolution
Y Yoon, AP Tiwari, M Lee, M Choi, W Song, J Im, T Zyung, HK Jung, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (42), 20869-20877, 2018
Mixed sulfur and iodide-based lead-free perovskite solar cells
R Nie, A Mehta, B Park, HW Kwon, J Im, SI Seok
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (3), 872-875, 2018
Topological insulator phase in halide perovskite structures
H Jin, J Im, AJ Freeman
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (12), 121102, 2012
High-Performance n-Type PbSe–Cu2Se Thermoelectrics through Conduction Band Engineering and Phonon Softening
C Zhou, Y Yu, YK Lee, O Cojocaru-Mirédin, B Yoo, SP Cho, J Im, M Wuttig, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (45), 15535-15545, 2018
Efficient Nanostructured TiO2/SnS Heterojunction Solar Cells
HS Yun, B Park, YC Choi, J Im, TJ Shin, SI Seok
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (35), 1901343, 2019
Extraordinary off-stoichiometric bismuth telluride for enhanced n-type thermoelectric power factor
K Park, K Ahn, J Cha, S Lee, SI Chae, SP Cho, S Ryee, J Im, J Lee, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (43), 14458-14468, 2016
Exceptionally high average power factor and thermoelectric figure of merit in n-type PbSe by the dual incorporation of Cu and Te
C Zhou, Y Yu, YL Lee, B Ge, W Lu, O Cojocaru-Mirédin, J Im, SP Cho, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (35), 15172-15186, 2020
Spin-orbital entangled molecular jeff states in lacunar spinel compounds
HS Kim, J Im, MJ Han, H Jin
Nature communications 5 (1), 3988, 2014
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