Juha Silvanto
Juha Silvanto
School of Psychology, University of Surrey, UK
Потвърден имейл адрес: surrey.ac.uk
State-dependency in brain stimulation studies of perception and cognition
J Silvanto, N Muggleton, V Walsh
Trends in cognitive sciences 12 (12), 447-454, 2008
State-dependency of transcranial magnetic stimulation
J Silvanto, A Pascual-Leone
Brain topography 21, 1-10, 2008
Neural adaptation reveals state‐dependent effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation
J Silvanto, NG Muggleton, A Cowey, V Walsh
European Journal of Neuroscience 25 (6), 1874-1881, 2007
Double dissociation of V1 and V5/MT activity in visual awareness
J Silvanto, N Lavie, V Walsh
Cerebral cortex 15 (11), 1736-1741, 2005
Striate cortex (V1) activity gates awareness of motion
J Silvanto, A Cowey, N Lavie, V Walsh
Nature neuroscience 8 (2), 143-144, 2005
Working memory without consciousness
D Soto, T Mäntylä, J Silvanto
Current Biology 21 (22), R912-R913, 2011
Information-based approaches of noninvasive transcranial brain stimulation
V Romei, G Thut, J Silvanto
Trends in Neurosciences 39 (11), 782-795, 2016
Stimulation of the human frontal eye fields modulates sensitivity of extrastriate visual cortex
J Silvanto, N Lavie, V Walsh
Journal of neurophysiology 96 (2), 941-945, 2006
Stochastic resonance effects reveal the neural mechanisms of transcranial magnetic stimulation
DS Schwarzkopf, J Silvanto, G Rees
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (9), 3143-3147, 2011
New light through old windows: moving beyond the “virtual lesion” approach to transcranial magnetic stimulation
J Silvanto, NG Muggleton
Neuroimage 39 (2), 549-552, 2008
Reappraising the relationship between working memory and conscious awareness
D Soto, J Silvanto
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (10), 520-525, 2014
Visual working memory performance in aphantasia
C Jacobs, DS Schwarzkopf, J Silvanto
Cortex 105, 61-73, 2018
Baseline cortical excitability determines whether TMS disrupts or facilitates behavior
J Silvanto, Z Cattaneo, L Battelli, A Pascual-Leone
Journal of neurophysiology 99 (5), 2725-2730, 2008
Improved motion perception and impaired spatial suppression following disruption of cortical area MT/V5
D Tadin, J Silvanto, A Pascual-Leone, L Battelli
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (4), 1279-1283, 2011
Common framework for “virtual lesion” and state-dependent TMS: the facilitatory/suppressive range model of online TMS effects on behavior
J Silvanto, Z Cattaneo
Brain and cognition 119, 32-38, 2017
The role of early visual cortex (V1/V2) in conscious and unconscious visual perception
M Koivisto, T Mäntylä, J Silvanto
Neuroimage 51 (2), 828-834, 2010
The perceptual and functional consequences of parietal top-down modulation on the visual cortex
J Silvanto, N Muggleton, N Lavie, V Walsh
Cerebral Cortex 19 (2), 327-330, 2009
Contrasting early visual cortical activation states causally involved in visual imagery and short‐term memory
Z Cattaneo, T Vecchi, A Pascual‐Leone, J Silvanto
European Journal of Neuroscience 30 (7), 1393-1400, 2009
The causal role of the lateral occipital complex in visual mirror symmetry detection and grouping: An fMRI-guided TMS study
S Bona, A Herbert, C Toneatto, J Silvanto, Z Cattaneo
Cortex 51, 46-55, 2014
Neural activation state determines behavioral susceptibility to modified theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation
J Silvanto, NG Muggleton, A Cowey, V Walsh
European journal of neuroscience 26 (2), 523-528, 2007
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