Охріменко Іван Миколайович / Ivan Okhrimenko / https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8813-5107
Охріменко Іван Миколайович / Ivan Okhrimenko / https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8813-5107
Національна академія внутрішніх справ
Потвърден имейл адрес: naiau.kiev.ua - Начална страница
Checking of the methodical system efficiency of fitness technologies application in students’ physical education
V Zhamardiy, O Shkola, I Okhrimenko, O Strelchenko, A Aloshyna, ...
Wiadomości Lekarskie, 332-341, 2020
Formation of the professionally significant skills and competencies of future police officers during studying at higher educational institutions
V Bondarenko, I Okhrimenko, I Tverdokhvalova, K Mannapova, ...
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala 12 (3), 246-267, 2020
Academic performance and mental capacity of cadets engaged in sports during studies
K Prontenko, G Griban, I Okhrimenko, V Bondarenko, S Bezpaliy, ...
Revista Dilemas Contemporaneos: Educacion, Politica y Valores. Ano: VII …, 2019
Professional skills and competencies of the future police officers
V Bondarenko, I Okhrimenko, O Yevdokimova, N Sydorchuk, O Dzhezhyk, ...
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology 9 (5), 35-43, 2020
Influence of fitness technologies on the student youth’s physical qualities development
V Zhamardiy, O Shkola, V Ulianova, O Bilostotska, I Okhrimenko, ...
Psychological profile of successful criminal police officer
V Ostapovich, V Barko, I Okhrimenko, O Yevdokimova, Y Ponomarenko, ...
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology 9 (3), 120-133, 2020
Motor activity as the basis of a healthy lifestyle of student youth
GP Griban, TY Yavorska, PP Tkachenko, OV Kuvaldina, ZM Dikhtiarenko, ...
Wiadomości Lekarskie.-2020.-Vol. 73, Issue 6.-P. 1199-1206, 2020
Оцінка ефективності діяльності органів і підрозділів Національної поліції України: погляд на проблему
І Охріменко
Підприємництво, господарство і право, 139-144, 2016
The New Police Training System: Psychological Aspects.
D Shvets, O Yevdokimova, I Okhrimenko, Y Ponomarenko, Y Aleksandrov, ...
Postmodern Openings/Deschideri Postmoderne 11, 2020
Dynamics of psycho-emotional state and individual psychological characteristics of students in the process of physical education classes
G Griban, O Kuznietsova, D Dzenzeliuk, I Malynskyi, Z Dikhtiarenko, ...
Future psychologists' readiness to work in conditions of social cohesion in education
M Sheremet, M Suprun, D Suprun, I Okhrimenko, S Sprynchuk
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology 9 (9), 40-48, 2020
Formation of psychophysical readiness of cadets for future professional activity
I Bloshchynskyi, GP Griban, I Okhrimenko, V Stasiuk, D Suprun, ...
The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 1-8, 2021
Coping behavior of criminal police officers at different stages of professional activity
O Fedorenko, V Dotsenko, I Okhrimenko, K Radchenko, D Gorbenko
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 11 (2 …, 2020
Professionally important psychophysiological qualities of patrol police officers
V Bondarenko, I Okhrimenko, A Minenok, I Donets, V Danylchenko, ...
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 62-71, 2020
Police training or police education: View on the matter
I Okhrimenko, O Yevdokimova, D Shvets, N Pakhomova, O Fediy
Scientific tools for forming professional competence of patrol police officers
V Bondarenko, I Okhrimenko, V Piaskovskyi, A Antoshchuk, A Marchuk
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 11 (2), 687-695, 2022
Student-centered online assesment in foreign language classes
O Bratel, M Kostiuk, S Bratel, I Okhrimenko
Linguistics and Culture Review 5 (S3), 926-941, 2021
The influence of modern sports technologies on health and professional activity of law enforcement officers
I Okhrimenko, O Pasko, L Prudka, O Torlo, L Herman, S Okhrimenko, ...
Польська медична асоціація, 2021
Professional psychological profile of a modern patrol officer as the basis of efficient official activities
V Barko, I Okhrimenko, V Medvediev, O Vagina, S Okhrimenko
Postmodern Openings 11 (3), 01-19, 2020
Sport classes as effective means for psychophysical health improvement of representatives of the security and defense sector
IМ Okhrimenko, MO Hrebeniuk, MO Borovyk, MM Krasnopolskyi, ...
Wiadomosci lekarskie.–2021.–№ 74 (5)–Р. 1142-1176, 2021
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